6. Wind

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Make sure that you've read chapter 6 (Time) of part one before reading this. It won't make much sense if you haven't.


Jungkook had one day left. Just one day and he would be on the train and on his way to get his life back on track. One last day, and he decided that he'd spend it alone. Jungkook had told his brother and, after much displeasure, had he been let out of the house with nothing but his wallet and a hat snapped onto the back of his head. On his final day at home, he had decided to take a trip to the beach.

There were fans that approached him and asked for pictures, but he didn't mind. He liked his fans and appreciated their support, so he would never just turn his back to them, no matter what situation he was in. They all asked him if he was okay. He'd told them he was fine, of course, because it wasn't totally a lie. He was getting there but hopefully things wouldn't immediately revert back to the way they were and topple over him again as soon as he got back to Seoul. He wasn't sure how long he would be able to keep that up.

The sun was pelting down on his face, so he switched his cap the right way around. He almost tripped on a tot as the young boy ran through Jungkook's legs. Everything was just like it used to be, even when Jungkook was just a child. When he was the one playing under the sprinklers and begging his mother for money to buy sweets with. Jungkook's mother had offered after he'd left the night before to take him to the beach, but he'd also told her that he'd wanted privacy on his last day. She looked even more disappointed than Jeon Dae had, but at the same time, Jungkook knew his mother understood.

For a while, the only thing Jungkook decided to do was to just sit on a bench by the sea front and squint out to the horizon. It all looked so far away. The sun was reflecting against the water harshly, so Jungkook eventually had to look away. He then  rested his gaze on the beach, where people were lounging against the soft sand. Children were splashing in the shallows with their mothers on standby right behind them, just in case something were to happen. Jungkook suddenly reminded himself of that one creepy stranger lurking in the background of every happy scene and he let out a chuckle. His mother had always told him to stay away from strangers. He wondered if the young mothers down on the beach would warn their children to stay away from him, away from Jungkook and he laughed again at his own thinking.

After a half an hour of watching and thinking and remembering, he stood up and made his way back to the busy square. He relished the feeling of the breeze sifting through his hair, running over his scalp while he walked. He pulled off his hat and tucked it under his elbow to completely embrace the feeling. It relaxed him further than how he was already, the leftover tension draining from his shoulders. With lack of protection, he immediately felt the lovely sun warm his cheeks.

Jungkook's wallet rested inside his jeans pocket and there were so many cafés to choose from. He contemplated going to a rather large one, one he'd been to before, but then decided against it after watching the queue going no where. Jungkook figured he'd jump back onto his regular diet as soon as he got back to Seoul, so taking advantage of the last day he had left was a must. He strolled over to the little ice cream parlour on the corner of the street.

Waiting in queue, he decided that he'd order a regular one-scoop-deal because as much as he'd like to order a cone with five scoops of creamy ice cream, he wasn't going to let himself stray too far off of his diet. It would only make it all the more hard to get back on it.

He felt a small tug on his t-shirt and looked behind him. There was no one. But when he looked down, he saw that there was a young girl's face staring up at him. She was out of breath, but looked away shy as soon as he looked at her, but didn't loose her grip on his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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