1. No

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Chapter status: edited


The brisk air of Busan was familiar in Jungkook's nose as he walked down the vibrant street with his brother. After arriving a mere hour beforehand, a hearty meal was exactly what he needed on this occasion.

Jungkook smiled as they entered a familiar barbecue diner. The smoky aroma of grilled meat filled his nose as the two brothers sat down at a table set for a pair.

After ordering a variety of assorted raw meat to grill and a few dishes prepared by the chef, they passed the time by catching up on the time they'd missed together, laughing just like they used to before Jungkook had entered the show buisness.

"So this rest week," Jeon Dae said.

"Yep?" Jungkook said while chewing the meal starter of Kimchi and pickled cucumber.

"Care to elaborate?."

"The company-slash-fans-slash-media think I'm sick. Apparently, rumors are going around that I have some terminal illness or something," Jungkook shrugged.

"Go on."

"So, I've got the week off for recovery time. I was offered a place to stay in Seoul, but I figured I'd come home."

"So why exactly do people think you have a terminal disease?"

"I had these migraines all the time, but I never told anyone because we were about to start promotions and have our comeback," Jungkook laughed on the inside because of how easy his brother was to confide in, "But when I was practicing with this guy called Jin, I like collapsed so he found out. Then at one of the shared concerts on Saturday, I blacked out completely and hit my head infront of- I don't even know how many fans. When news got out that I was hospitalized, our manager told me it was best to stay off of social media untill the whole thing clears up."

"Thats a pretty hard life you've got there," Jeon Dae commented.

The waiter came around with small platters of gleaming meat ready to be cooked and placed them on the table.

Jeon Dae was the first to start grilling, moving the meat around making sure nothing got burnt.

As the time went by, their chef-prepared dishes had been brought to their table. Jeon Dae didn't know when to stop because by the time he'd realised how much meat he'd actually cooked, both of their plates had been filled.

"Dig in, my dear brother," Jeon Dae said, giving himself a palm to his forehead.

Looking down at his plate, Jungkook began wedging meat between his chopsticks ready to bring them to his mouth. He finished half the plate before having to stop himself, mentally scolding himself that he couldn't just forget about maintaining his physical and start blowing calories.

"Something wrong with the food?" Jeon Dae asked, noticing how his younger brother had put his chopsticks down and had ceased to eat.

"I can't eat anymore..."

"You're kidding right? You're a man, you can eat a whole buffet if you wanted to!" Jeon Dae exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I have to keep fit... It's not like when we were younger," Jungkook states, looking down at his wriggling fingers.

"You're not an idol," Jeon Dae said, earning a shocked expression from his brother. "I mean you technically are, but not this week."

Jeon Dae leant carefully over the grill and put Jungkook's chopsticks back into his grasp, pushing his plate forward.

Contemplating, Jungkook ran his eyes over his food. It had tasted good. He knew that abusing his restricting diets would mean he would have to work it off in some intense training session, but he decided to live in the moment.

Finishing his whole plate of food and even ordering dessert, the two left the restaurant with full stomachs.


Hope you enjoyed this update even though it's really short... I'm trying to make my next one longer so, yeah.

I'm almost at 200 views, so pretty please vote and comment :*

There won't be much of the other members in these chapters, lmao I'll miss you.

Next chapter will be up by Monday. Maybe.

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