4. Frayed

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Singing was the one thing Jungkook could fall back on. 

Whether is was one of their songs or someone else's, or whether he sang solo or with the members. Even before he joined choir, before his parents pushed him towards private lessons. 

To be fair, his hyung was the first one to sing him lullabys before bed when their parents were too busy to. Junghyung was the first to be born, the first to grow up. He moved out of the family home while Jungkook was still in middle school, but not without taking him along to Seoul and to make his dream come true.

Sometimes it felt a little bit like a waste on the days Jungkook couldn't perform well. All of the effort his hyung had put into getting him out of Busan and all of the members for getting him out of his shell. The days where his voice felt a little off and he was Once again, when Jungkook hit his high note, his voice cracked.

Jin was the one who stopped the music.

With Namjoon working, Yoongi producing and the others sleeping, Jin insisted on coming with Jungkook to the training rooms.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jin asked.

Jungkook looked up, revealing the dark rings beneath his eyes.

"I don't know," he muttered, making his way to his backpack which contained a packet of pain killers. Jungkook knew by now that when he was being dragged down by a nagging headache, a painkiller and an intake of water would solve the problem.

His headache intensified, causing him to swoon and lean into someones chest. He was pushed gently into one of the chairs before his knees gave out completely.

"Oh God- Jungkook, are you okay?"

Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jin's face close to his own, wearing a worried expression.

"What do you need? I'll get some water."

Before Jin could hurry off, Jungkook gripped his wrist.

His voice was shaky: "Painkillers... In my bag..."

Jin must have understood because when Jungkook released his grip on the warm wrist, he felt the older leave his presence.

Jungkook heard the rustling of fabric and zippers being unzipped so he figured Jin was probably digging through his bag.

By the time Jin actually returned, he was holding a water bottle and a foil packet containing white pills.

"So, uh, just one?" Jin asked. He was panicked and Jungkook could tell. He wanted to assure Jin that he would be fine, as long as he got some pain relief, but he couldn't utter the words while the pounding in his head made his vision blur slighty.

Jungkook nodded before he heard Jin pop a pill from the foil packet and unscrew the lid from the plastic water bottle.

By the time Jungkook had swallowed the circular pill and the pain had subsided slighty, his breathing began to slow.

He looked over at Jin, who was sitting on the chair beside him. The older boy was looking down at the silver packet in his hands.

"What was that?" Jin asked as their eyes met.


"That wasn't the first pill out of the packet. Half the packet is empty, so you obviously don't keep your bag stocked with painkillers just in case. This happens regularly, doesn't it?"

Jungkook stayed quiet.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Jin looked genuinely appalled. He pulled out his phone, probably to contact someone, when Jungkook gripped his wrist for the second time.

"Hyung," he said breathlessly, "It's no big deal."

"'No big deal?" Jin stood, "You're kidding right? Have you even seen a doctor?"

"The pain killers fix it," Jungkook tried.

"Someone needs to know-"

"Please, hyung," Jungkook pleaded, "Not right now. We're about to start promoting, we don't need this. I can't just let the whole group down."

"Is this what this is about? You letting us down?" Jin sat back down.

Jungkook looked down at his hands.

Jin let out am exasperated sigh: "Tell me exactly what's been happening."

Jungkook complied by telling Jin all about his headaches. He told him that they would come and go, during training and performances. He told him that, up until now, no one knew.

"The painkillers fix everything," Jungkook assured, earning another sigh from Jin, "Plus, I've never actually collapsed before."

"You sure? I still want you to go see a doctor, just to make sure it's not serious."

"After the showcase and promotions, I promise," Jungkook said before he yawned.

"My god, look at you. You look exhausted. Have you been sleeping properly?" Jin asked, running his finger tips over the dark rings etched underneath the younger's eyes.

"I have, okay."

"Okay then, if you're sleeping fine then why do you look like you haven't slept in a week?" Jin asked, only half joking. It was Jungkook's turn to sigh.

"Maybe it's because you're always here, instead of bed," Jin tried, "Why is that, by the way? We aren't required to practice 24-7. It's not anywhere on the contract."

"Because..." Jungkook sighed again, "I'm just scared that... If I don't train enough, I'll get left behind. That I won't be good enough and that I'll get kicked out."

Jungkook jumped in surprise when he felt Jin's arms embrace him around the shoulders, but leant into the hug after a few seconds.

When Jin pulled away, he looked into the youngers eyes, "Please quit working so hard, you're already good enough. Besides, we would never leave you behind," Jin ruffled Jungkook's hair, "Even though Taehyung's hair is orange, he would never be able to replace our Golden Maknae."

Jungkook laughed softly at the older's statement.

"You're over working yourself, Jungkook. I'm worried enough about you now that I know about your little secret," Jin said in a serious tone, but with his eyes still soft, "If you're scared of being left behind, I'd advise you to take better care of yourself. I think that today proved that your vocal cords definitely agree." Jungkook punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Come on, you need to go to bed. Let's call it a day," Jin said as he stood up before helping Jungkook up to his feet.


Woah, hi! I tried hard to update twice this week because I don't update much...

The teasers, goshhh. Jin was like, no. And Jiminnnnbfjjxdb

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote! :*

Next chapter: Interview!

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