The girl under the fur

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That's all she felt wile sprinting threw the thick tree's. It wasn't much but it was enough to calm her nerves, her family had moved from the city into a small town in Montana. Her family needed more room to roam the nights. What better place in the states then Montana.

Gwen's family was very important, at least to the small werewolf population they were. Wearwolfves did not have a king or queen like the Vampires but they did have Alphas. The Alpha family, were what they called the pure bloods, and because of it they were strong, a lot stronger then your average werewolf.

There were four main manifestations of the pure blood werewolves. The first one depended on the person. some were born as wolves, others as human's. The second depended on the first, if you were a wolf you'd gain your human form and vise versa. Born wolves most commonly ended up being much more violent. The third manifestation or the more commonly used phrase The Moonfilled phase was an odd assortment of mostly human with a touch of wolf. It's a very odd sight, but they can't stop themselves from shifting to this form during full moon's (hence the name.)

The Last form was a form only pure bloods were able to manifest. In mythology it was known as the Lycan, which were seen as completely different species than a werewolf. However there are many story's of werewolves and where they come from, but they all only took a part of the truth not the whole one. The Lycan was only the half human, half wolf form of the purebloods. Known to be extremely dangerous, and very strong.

Her family, generation to generation was feared among creatures of the dark. Since the moment Gwendolyn Morgan Volk was born her fate was set in stone. She would be the next powerful pure blood in her family tree.

But Gwen desided not to let that bother her until it was her time to reign.

Which takes us back to the story. Gwen was running threw the forest scoping it out for her younger siblings, making sure no areas were marked by other werewolves who might live there.

So far there had been no trace of any other werewolves in the area. So as Gwen was weaving through trees and frightening some deer half to death, the sudden wave of the most pungent smell she's ever come across in the woods, hit her nose. The scent stopped her in her tracks, and if she was in her human form she would have covered her nose best she could with her shirt. But she wasn't in her human form, and because of that she had to suffer a little. She decided to walk over to where the suffocating smell was coming from and peeked threw the bush with her glowing red eyes. Her pitch black fur completely blending into the darkness.

Behind the bush was a camp site, (basically two tents and a fire place taking up the space of a small clearing.) The stench was coming from the tent on her right. Gwen could tell right away what the smell was. It was an overwhelming amount of cologne, that one type that boys would occasionally squirt too much on in gym class, because they forgot to take a shower.

She could never stand it when boys wore more than a squirt of that stuff, but this guy must have worn at least half the bottle, then again it was always 10 times worse for her because of her very strong sense of smell.

Gwen decided to transition into her human form just in case she was spotted. The huge, black, red eyed wolf started to get smaller, bones cracking into place and the thick midnight fur slowly started to disappear.

Now where the huge nightmarish wolf used to be, crouched a very pretty girl with bright aqua blue eyes, and light brown hair that had natural blonde streaks in it. Her skin was fair but with a little tan left over from the previous summer. She had a dark blue t-shirt on and black jean shorts.

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