New Friends

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It was quiet wile the four girls walked down stairs, not wanting to get caught by any other unexpected persons. Kayla had then quietly explained that her grandma also lived with them and that she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night. This is when Gwen realized that it had gotten pretty dark outside, "Okay but we better hurry! It's getting late and my parents are probably wondering where I am... I don't stay after school like, at all." Gwen whispered.

"Understandable," Kayla replied "The basement is just over there."

"I have a question." Lilly chimed in.

"ya?" said Kayla.

"Uhm, so why were your parents going to bed, when this guy over here-" Lilly said pointing to Chris who was still slung over Gwen's shoulders "Is still not home yet, and has had a history of disappearing and reappearing with no memory of the night before?"

Kayla looked a little surprised at first before saying "Oh. I didn't think any of you would notice. Well I guess since you guys already know quite a bit about me that not even my parents know about-" Allie then cut in saying "Wait a second! your mom and dad don't know your a Witch?"

"Basically... They also don't know that my brother is in that forsaken cult." Kayla replied looking down, "My ability to use magic is something that was passed on to me from both my grandma and grandpa, it was very odd and rare that my mom never showed signs that she could use it so my grandparents never told her about it. My last name, Bradbury, is an old witch's family name who so happens to be my ancestor. My dad took upon my moms family name cause my grandparents told him he couldn't marry my mom if he didn't."

"But you still didn't answer Lilly's first question." Gwen said.

"Oh ya. Well, Last time this had happened my parents decided to move my brother into the basement so that it wouldn't be as easy for him to sneak in. Even though they took this extra precaution I could tell... that they had ultimately given up on my brother. I tried to investigate the reason of why this was happening, my parents think he's been doing some shady stuff. I knew he wasn't- well I mean apart from the cult and stuff, but even that gave me reason to believe that it was done by something my parents didn't know about or understand. Even though he's become a real jerk, he's still my... big bro..." Kayla finished.

Gwen looked over at Lilly and saw her shifting weight from one leg to another "Well now I feel kinda bad." Kayla smiled at Lilly and said "It's okay. At least now I know whats been going on, Although I have been thinking it's been vampires for quite a wile."

"Your sad life makes me uncomfortable." Allie said bluntly. Than Gwen turned around and swiftly punched her forearm.

"Hey~!" Allie protested wile rubbing her arm.

"That's what happens when your rude!" Gwen said whispering harshly. "Hey, I just think what's on my mind! Plus, can you really blame me?"after a few seconds Kayla started to laugh a little "Ya I wouldn't blame you. Your a changling right?"

"Wha- how'd you know!? I couldn't even really figure that out!" Said Gwen a little to loudly. "I can see her aura. Some are easier to see than others depending on what they are. Changlings are one of the easiest for me." Kayla replied.

"That's so Cool!" Allie wisperd yelled, which was followed by a "Nice!" From Lilly. "So do you know what I am?" Gwen asked. "Oh me too!" Lilly followed up, again.

Kayla waited for a second before saying "Lilly your a vampire which I stated earlier that I knew, and it wasn't to hard to find out since my brothers blood was drained, obvious because of the discoloring."

"Haha! Told ya Lilly's not very subtle!" Allie than whispered loudly, trying not to laugh. Lilly looked over at Allie and said "Well it's hard to be a monster that's super well known, which of course you wouldn't know about Allie." Lilly retorted making both girls burst out in quiet laughter.

Gwen cut in saying "guys! guys! Let's just dump the body and get outta here Ok?" She than looked over at Kayla "I mean, neatly put the nice, tottaly not dead boy in his bed..."
Allie then coughed "Nice save."

The four girls started tip toeing to the basement again and luckily weren't faced with any other obsticals. "It's right in here." Kayla whispered to the others.

The three girls followed Kayla down the dimly lit stairs "this is just unsafe." Allie whispered, "I can see perfectly fine." Lilly said, "So can I." Gwen added. Allie stayed quiet before whispering to herself "Lucky night crawlers".

Kayla reached the bottom before the other three and turned on the lights. Right after Kayla came Gwen, as she looked around she couldn't help but get that rich boy sense from everything in that room. There were two black and red seats hanging from what looked to be a club house, which was really wierd because it looked to be for a couple of six year olds, not a single teenage boy.

It was a pretty fun room to look at but then Gwen remembered she had a boy on her back that she needed to put in one of these beds. Gwen just decided to plop him down on the bed closest to her, "Kay, done!"

Kayla looked at Gwen with a 'really?' Kind of expression on her face. Gwen just shrugged and started to walk back upstairs "Alright bye I'm outta here. Y'all can stay and chat but I have to sort out a situation in the woods behind my house." She said, wile giving a cautious glance towards Lilly.

Gwen could hear and feel the three other girls start to follow her up the stairs and into the living room. "Ok, it was nice having you guys....errr... break into my house after knocking out my brother and draining his blood." Kayla replied in a cheery tone, so cheery in fact that Gwen couldn't tell if she ment it or not. Of course in these situations you'd think they wouldn't, but in this case, Gwen just wasn't sure.

These girls were really odd and not what Gwen was used to. She was used to hiding her identity, and not sharing many things with her friends. Apparently there are more monsters out here then there are in the city... makes sense. So there was no reason to hide her identity from these girls, in fact it would be extremely hard to even try to, what with there sense of smell and magic voodoo or whatever.

Suddenly Gwen was jolted out of her thoughts by Lilly suddenly transforming into a bat and then flying out the window. "...This whole experience didn't mean anything to anyone here, right? We're gunna go home and forget about each other, right~." Gwen stated trying to hint at what she wanted to happen. But of course we don't all get what we want.

Kayla spoke up, a little too loudly, saying "Pft! Don't be silly! This was fun, and tottaly gave us all a chance to come closer together as potential friends!" And then proceeded to give Gwen a massive hug. Gwen looked over at Allie and mouthed 'help me' in which she responded "Oh no. Not this hippie crap! Peace!" And then dipped out threw the front door.

Gwen rolled her eyes and pried Kayla off, "Kayla? Why are you being so nice to us after knowing what one, I reapeat one, of us did something pretty bad to your brother. To be honest it's almost scary."

Kayla was silent for a little wile before saying " You know, if I'm being honest. I'm pretty lonely. I've only had two friends in my entire life, and one of them, like my brother, recently joined a cult that's against what I am! I hate that cult and there's nothing else I hate more. So to me, what Lilly did, isnt nearly as bad as what my brother chose to do to himself."

Gwen stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. Luckily Kayla walked towards the door, opening it, and told Gwen to have a great night.

So she walked out and waved goodbye to Kayla. Finely heading home for the night.

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