A Detective's Playground

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I don't care what anyone else says, staring at a mirror in a poorly lit room for almost 30 minutes does nothing but cause you boredom. That's basically what Viv and I had been doing, sitting in an investigation room, staring at a big one way mirror, for longer then what both of us would have liked.

After we called the police, 10 minutes later two cop cars showed up. They took the body (or at least remains of the body) in one car and us in the other. They asked our mom if they could take the two of us while she stayed home and watched over the three little one's. Which I could tell my mom was already planning to do, most likely because she wanted to finish stacking books in the library, however she pretended to be a little reluctant as to not raise suspicion.

So then back to the ugly interrogation room. Viv and I probably would have been messing around doing wierd crap by now considering we had been left alone together for about 30 minutes. But because we were supposed to be shaken up and scarred from seeing a brutally, supposedly murderd dead body. It was better if we acted the part, especially since we were most likely being watched.

I turned to Vivian with a dejected face, making sure to look as sad as I possibly could. Viv glanced at me with a similar look on her face, but instead fear was much more evident. I leaned towards her and gave her a hug and in response Viv hugged me back. I put my chin on her shoulder and barley whispered so only she could hear me, "this is extremely boring."

I felt her nod slowly before she responded at the same volume I had "yeah, we should have hid the body." It took a lot in me to keep the same expression on my face and not laugh.

As we pulled away from the hug, the door finally opened. In came a tall man wearing the standard USA police uniform, with very dark skin and even darker hair that almost looked buzzed. He had a very defined jaw and his eyes were a light hazel, which nicely contradicted his other dark features.

He sat down across from us and looked between my sister and I. I looked back at him, making eye contact a couple times. Viv took the opposite approach and avoided all eye contact by casting her eyes downward towards her lap. "Hi, I'm Officer Reed. Let me just say before we get started that I'm very sorry you two were exposed to that kind of thing at your age." He said with obvious kindness in his eyes. Which made me feel kinda bad, since we were only faking it and didn't really deserve the kindness that we were receiving.

Violence was instinct for us. Of course that dead women's body caught us off guard with how brutally abused it was, but if we were being completely honest... we'd done worse. Or at least I had.

"We have an Investigator who specializes in homicides coming in from Helena. He's supposed to be really good, they say he's basically superhero material." The reassuring smile he gave after saying that, made It very clear to me what Officer Reed was trying to do by saying this. He wasn't just trying to lighten the mood, he was trying to make us feel like we were in a fairy tale.

A fairy tale where the main protagonist would swoop in any moment and make everything better for the Side characters. It was quite touching to me that this police officer would waste his precious time, for two random teenagers who happened to stumble across a dead body. It probably would've been even more touching if one: again, we hadn't been faking it, and two: he acctuly believed what he was saying. There was an underlying disdain in his tone that peeked my curiosity about this investigator.

After he took another couple seconds of silence to look at us, to see if his words had done what they were ment to do. He continued by clearing his throat first "Uh, he's gunna be the one to ask you questions. He should be here soon since we called in forty minutes ago." And there was that disdain again when he brought up this mystery investigator. It seemed to be he wasn't doing it on purpose but rather it was instinctual.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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