Not so easy

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Switching it up! We boutta get into some first person pov!

Gwen's POV

As I walked home I couldn't stop thinking about Kayla's situation, and how horrible it must have been to have lost a sibling and a friend to this new cult which seemed to bring nothing but trouble to this specific community. I hadn't heard about very many cults before since it was the 21st century and all, but this town seemed to be lacking in the new culture of today.

This town seemed to be off in a way, but of course my life wasn't much better, at least compared to other (non monster) teenagers. Suddenly I was jolted out of my thoughts by a Sharp, high pitched scream that only lasted a couple of seconds. I thought twice about going to investigate what that was all about, but something about it seemed to rub me the wrong way.

I quickly made up my mind and ran towards the alleyway I thought the sound had emanated from. When I looked down the space, wedged between two buildings, I couldn't see anything, no one was there. But before I could get the chance to lose interest and walk away, I heard the slight Shuffle of feet at the end of the alleyway, behind the building to my right.

I tried my hardest to run quietly down the strip of wet concrete and stopped abruptly when I reached the end. I then pressed myself up against the edge of the damp brick wall, not wanting to be seen. Then proceeding to stretch my neck and take a glance at what might be going on behind this building.

With half my face exposed to the open space, I could finally see the scene playing out before me. Two men-... scratch that- boys, were standing over a limp body. Suddenly I could smell the matalic aroma of blood from here, and as my eyes agusted, I soon could also see a puddle of the red liquid, pooling underneath his body. I could also tell it had been ozzing out from several locations.

As messed up as it was, I... couldn't help myself from drooling. I know! I know! But the sight and smell made me aware of the fact that I hadn't had dinner yet. Crap! Control! Control! CONTROL!  I screamed inside my head!

Thank goodness I was taught self control at a young age. If that wasn't the case, I would've already been over there, tearing threw the carcass and most likely the two boys standing over him as well. Once I started thinking rationally, I contemplated what I should do. Should I jump in, and check to see if the body is by chance still alive?- or maybe take out the two guys-no! That's dumb! You don't know who, or what they are, They could turn out to be powerful, ancient beings... Eh, I doubt it.

In the end I decided to wait, listen and watch from where I was. Not the most exciting of the choices, but it was the smartest. As I did just what I planned, I soon found it was the right call.

"Ahh! What a mess!" The man closest to me quietly yelled. "Did they pair me up with you just so I could clean up the messes you make!?"

The man next to him scoffed at his partner's complaint, "That's your speciality isn't it? The cleaning maid?" His deep voice and board tone, made the two questions, more of a statement.

"Tck-" the first man looked like he wanted to throw another remark back ay him, but stoped himself. He was talking so casually before. I wonder what stoped him- "He's scared." Someone whispered beside me once again cutting into my thoughts. I whipped my head around and suddenly the only thing in my line of sight we're two purple orbs staring right back at me.

Startled, wouldn't begin to describe what I felt as I recoiled back, further into the alleyway! Finally being able to see the person the purple orbs belonged to, I couldn't help but feel anger start to rise in my chest.

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