Breaking in

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Gwen nodded "Should have gotten that! I guess I've been a bit off today. All I'm used to smelling is vampires and a couple other creatures. In the city you don't get much variety."

"I guess." Allie said, "... Waaaaait, back on track! why are you even here?"

Gwen pointed towards Lilly and said "Well I saw the whole show down with her and that boy." Allie sighed and said "Should have known! She's not the most subtle of cretures...".

"Heyyyy!" Lilly said back "I'm almost done with him, so hold your horses!"

Gwen pondered for a second before saying "You two are less hostile than I had imagined you'd be." Allie looked back at Gwen and said "...Well I mean, you seem cool. So. We're cool. Also Lilly was kinda excited to meet the person who humiliated her brother in front of their parents."

"...Interesting relationship." Gwen said, sucking in a breath before turning towards Lilly. "Does that mean our families are on good terms?"

"If you ever meet my mom and dad, they'll probably try to rip your tongue out. So no, our families aren't on good terms... but my sisters and I, we're cool with you." Lilly replied wile unhooking the syringe tube from the second filled blood bag.

Allie noticed there were two filled blood bags and said "Lilly! How much blood did you take? I thought you wernt going to kill him."

"Oh relax Allie I only took an extra pint..."

Gwen spoke up saying. "You know a full grown adult on average has 10 pints and the most you can donate is 2 pints every 112 days... he's not even an adult, also him being asleep dosnt help the situation either."

Lilly laughed at Gwen and said "Im a Vampire, you think I didnt know that? The truth is, is that I dont care one bit about what staight of health he's in as long as he dosnt die. He'll be just fine, if we sneak him into his bedroom give him some water and leave."

Gwen and Allie paused for a second before Allie said "Wait a sec. We're gunna sneak him into his house? Are you crazy Lilly, wait nevermind don't answer that, I know your crazy!" Gwen stepped back and said "Mmm I didn't have anything to do with this sooo I'm outa here!"

Before Gwen got away Allie grabbed Gwen by the back of her shirt collar and said "Come on, if I have to do this you have to do this! I know you could pull free from me anytime, but if you did your nice shirt would rip. I'll let go when you agree to come and help, and I don't think your the kind of person to go back on an agreement." Gwen huffed and follded her arms, it was a nice shirt.

"Fine." Gwen agreed "I'll help you guys out, but if we get caught I'm not sticking my neck out for you guys."

Lilly walked over to Gwen and Allie and said "Great! Allie could you carry the guy?" Allie huffed and mummbled "Its always me." Allie picked up the boy and walked out of the clearing. "And don't you dare take a bite out of him!" Lilly yelled after Allie.

Lilly looked at Gwen and explained "Oh, Changlings have an interesting apitite for human flesh, kinda like you werewolves when you lose control."

"Actually only infected humans lose control... Ussully." Gwen corrected.

Lilly cocked her head questioningly before walking after Allie.

It was true. Born werewolves were taught from a young age to control themselves and it wasn't exactly hard for them to do either, it was in their nature. But people who were not born a werewolf and get infected by one have the worst time with control. And because of that most end up dying quickly after infected.

Finally after a long walk the three showed up at the boys house. "Wait a second!" Gwen said quietly "How do you guys know where he lives?" Allie in response quickly jetted her thum in Lilly's direction and looked away.

Lilly looked at the two girls sheepishly "Weeellll, This isn't exactly the first time I've picked on him." Lilly said nervously laughing. Gwen paused for a second and said "How long do you wait untill you- you know- take blood from him?"

"Eh, about two to three... weeks?" Lilly replied hesitantly. "Your gunna kill him at this rate! You should at least wait five months this next time." Lilly nodded her head at what Gwen said and replied "Your probably right. I mean his parents have already put him in therapy because of them finding him in his room late and not remembering how he got home."

Gwen laughed a little before looking at the house. "Are you kidding me." Gwen said, "It's a two storied house! Please, Lilly! Tell me his room isn't on the second." Lilly looked over to Allie and then back at Gwen "it's on the second."

Gwen couldn't help feeling like this wasn't going to go well, but Lilly had said she'd done it before. By her self even. After a moment of silence Allie spoke up "Ok let's get it done then!" She walked towards the house with Chris slung over her back, Gwen and Lilly trailing behind her.

As they quietly made there way towards the back of the house Lilly whisper shouted "there that's his room." Pointing up too a closed window on the second story. Gwen looked towards Lilly and whispered back "You know, that's just a little creepy." Lilly looked back at her and shrugged.

"So how'd you get him up there the last couple times?" Allie asked, "Oh, it was a complicated way consisting of me having to slip threw his little sisters window which is much closer to the ground, and sneak him threw the house, almost getting caught... multiple times." Lilly replied quickly. "But with you guys, it'll be much easier!"

"I have an idea!" Allie said excitedly after a few seconds of us thinking, "Ok first! Lilly fly up there and open the window, hopefully it's not locked."

Lilly did as instructed, turning into a pretty large bat with a poof and flying up there, opening the window with visible struggle slipping here and there. "Ok, now Gwen! You go and climb up threw the window"

Gwen looked up at the house and back at Allie before saying "it couldn't hurt to try, I guess." Gwen steped back a few feet before running as fast as she could towards the house.

When she was arms length away from the wall she pushed up as hard as she could and ran up it. She felt her momentum decreasing as she got closer to the edge of the windowsill. As soon as she could reach it she grabbed the edge of it and hung there until she pulled herself up into the bedroom.

She turned around and stuck the upper half of her body out the window, Allie gave her a thumbs up and yelled "Ok now I'm gunna throw him up to you!" Gwen and Lilly started to nod their heads before they acctuly realized what Allie had just said.


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