New school

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When the five siblings reached the big two story house that was next to the auburn stable, they were met by their mom.

Their mom was very beautiful, with her light brown hair and forest green eyes, she had a lot of freckles on her face and arms, which is where Vivian got her freakled nose and cheeks. "How was your run." Their mom said "it went well." Gwen replied.

Gwen told her little siblings not tell their mom about the Vampire encounter. She didn't want her parents to worry about having to drive the royal Vampire family out, esspesialy if the boy was just passing  threw. Unless she saw the boy or any of his sisters, she was not going to tell her parents.

Then again he did tell her that her  family was the first wearwolf family  to move here. So he would have to live here, Gwen was stuck in her thoughts before coming to a mental agreement that she would tell her mom and dad after receiving more information.

She walked inside and looked at the clock, it was 11:36 and Gwen, being the night creature she is, almost never went to sleep at that time, because she never got tired. But since school was the next day, and Gwen didn't feel like going out she decided to go to bed.

She walked up the stairs to her parents room to say good night to her dad. When she walked into their room her dad stood by his dresser looking into the mirror, Gwen could see his ear slightly perk up as he herd her foot steps. Gwen's dad turned around flashing her his bright smile "turning in so early, I thought you and Vivers where gonna go running." Her dad said.

Gwen's dad was known to be very scary and intimidating, but to Gwen and her siblings their dad was the most loving, sweetest, and funniest father ever. He was very handsome, with silver streaks threw his very dark brown almost black hair, he had blue eyes that would sometimes look either grey or green. He was very tall, very strong, and very fit looking. Gwen loved both her mom and dad very much.

"Ya, we did but we both just kind of felt like sleeping." Gwen replied, she was going to have to make sure Viv was going to bed too.

Her dad looked sceptical but walked over and gave Gwen a good night hug and kiss. "I hope you two enjoy your first day at your new school tommarow." He said laphing, Gwen's mom suddenly walked in, "Oh, going to bed so soon Gwen." She said.

"Ya." Gwen replied walking over to her mom and giving her a good night hug and kiss as well. "Good night sweet pea." Gwen's mother said wile she walked out.

Gwen walked down grabbing Viv and pulling her up the stairs into their room. "Gwen, I don't wanna go to sleep!" Viv groaned. "I told mom and dad we were both going to bed." Gwen replied, sliping on her silky pale blue nightgown.

Gwen loved silk night gowns, they were old fashioned and Gwen didn't like wearing pajama pants, but she also didn't like just going to bed in a shirt. So what better than a gown.

Gwen and Viv's room had a wooden balcony and ever since they moved there, Gwen liked to go out onto it and watch the moon before going to bed. As Viv turned off the light, Gwen stepped onto the balcony.

She watched the moonlight wile leening on the railing. As she looked at the silver tiped meadows, her eyes started to droop. Gwen shook her head, she hadn't realized how much she had acctuly done today. This was the first time in forever that she was actually tired.

So Gwen walked back inside closing the shutters to her balcony, and went to sleep.


Gwen woke up to her alarm, after waking Vivian up she took a shower, brushed her teeth etcetera etcetera.

The house was quiet, since Gwen and Vivian were the only ones who were going to school this morning, the younger kids were starting the following week. After having breakfast, they walked across the meadows to the dirt road where their buses were picking them up.

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