Wrong One

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"WAIT WHAT!?" Gwen and Lilly screamed simultaneously as Allie got ready to throw Chris up to Gwen.

"One!" Allie started wile holding the boy by his feet and hands, kind of like a pig being roasted. Gwen suddenly felt sick to her stomach I mean was she really gunna throw him up here? "Two!" Allie continued wile swinging him back, Gwen couldn't think clearly and as she looked to her left she could see Lilly in her bat form watching in horror as Allie said the last word.


Allie launched Chris into the air, and to Gwen's astonishment he went really far up! She watched as he flew, in what seemed to be slow motion, higher and higher until he reached the height of the house and then started to plumit down in her direction. Gwen freaked out a little bit at seeing this but in spite of that Gwen put both her arms out and closed her eyes.

A few seconds later she suddenly felt something land in her arms. Gwen opened her eyes to see that she caught Chris bridle style. She did it! "Hahaaaa! I'm Just too good." Allie said down below. Gwen rolled her eyes and shushed Allie before she carefully brought Chris into the room.

As she looked around she couldn't help but think this guy had a weird taste in decorations. The walls were pink, stuffed animals were everywhere, there was a princess bed and there was a little girl in that bed.... wait a second!

Gwen did a double take as she looked back at the bed. Sure enough, the little girl was still there.

Gwen herd a rattling at the window as Allie slowly climed in the room, falling flat on her back. "Wow! The second story sure is way high up." Allie said huffing. Lilly flew in soon after and said "Well ya! His great Grandpa moved here in the 1930s. He was an extremely superstitious guy and built his house super tall and lined all the windows with nightshade. You know, to keep things like us out." As she finished Gwen looked at her, once more weirded out by how much Lilly knew about this guy and his odd family.

"Well that obviously didn't work." Allie pointed out. "Also! How old even are you Lilly!" Gwen added. Lilly looked over at them and said "fifteen. We don't age over our prime, I obviously haven't hit it yet! My parents just teach my siblings and I at a young age the history of this town, since my parents left Transylvania over a hundred years ago."

"Ok we can get into that later!" Gwen said, stopping Lilly before she could get into detail. "What we need to do is figure out why we're in a little girls bedroom."

Allie and Lilly looked around suddenly realizing that this was not his room. "I swear this was it! I've been in here so man- I MEAN! I've been in her a few times...."

"Mhmm, alright Ms.Stalkerface. But this is obviously not his room. And should I remind you there is a sleeping little girl in here so shhhhh!" Allie scolded. "Perhaps they switched rooms." Gwen added with a shrug.

"Then let's go check, and just to clarify! I am not a stalker! We Vampires just keep tabs on our food source" Lilly replied walking towards the door and carefully opening it.

"I guess that makes sense." Gwen said, shrugging once more. Allie stood there for a second before clarifying "I eat people, but I don't keep track of my food source- Oh wait. That's because there's no one to keep track of afterwards... sorry."

Gwen and Lilly looked back at Allie trying to hold back their laughter, and succeded in stifling it, but not without the cost of tears streaming down their face in the attempt.

Allie smiled at them "Score!" She said to herself although Gwen could here it and she guessed Lilly had too. "Alright Alright!" Gwen said, wiping the tears from her face and slowly calming down. "We need to find his actual bedroom!"

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