Meeting Him (Saul)

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( Saul was one of the most popular and attractive boys in our middle school. Samantha Robins always had a small crush on him... He wouldn't even bother to give her the time of day, it probably was because when she first saw him she was a man... and couldn't talk to him. Sam transitioned into a woman in 7th grade she met Saul in 6th so everyone in her school knows that she used to be a man... now she's just a girl with a dick. Saul's reputation in high school was the bad boy who liked to sleep around. He ended up getting together with sam's best friend at the time Heather... she hasn't been the same since. But Sam was always jealous of her and Saul because she wanted Saul... not really in the sexual way yet... but in the " I think your cute and your dating my friend, please date me instead way ". He never ended up dating Sam. Heather and Saul ended up breaking up before the school year was over it was not a very long lasting relationship they dated for like 2 weeks. )

( That was in 2010, he has since dropped out of that middle school finished somewhere else and went to a different high school than everyone else. No one thought about him or what it would be like if he stayed... except Sam. It's 2018 now. Sam is no longer a virgin. She is 6/10 on the attractive scale. Only because she still has a penis she would definitely be a 8/10 if she had a vagina. So in the summer before her senior year. Sam's best friend who was home schooled got a boyfriend. Sam was jealous, and a bit confused because she sucked Marla's boyfriends dick before Marla did... But he wanted Marla not Sam. Darren Leon was a 19 year old country boy who drank a lot listened to shitty country music and was very secretive and cheated on Marla a lot. Marla did not believe this, her older boyfriend was an angel... oh yes and Marla is 16 while her boyfriend is turning 19!! Red flag. )

( Now Darren and Saul actually went to high school together. So they were friends and he would come by once and a while. But Sam never saw him. Sam was always sleeping over Darren's house because Marla was scared to be alone with him... or she just didn't want to have sex that night and if Sam was there it wasn't happening. The three kids were all walking together on a trail near their apartment complex. Saul is riding a bike towards them. He comes closer and closer and he gets off the bike and gives Darren a huge man hug. They talk and talk. Oh did I mention Saul isn't wearing a shirt. Boy did he let himself go... I guess all the drinking and sitting around on the video games wasn't helping him. He was still a " Ladies man " technically. He wasn't cute anymore but he still thought he could get whatever he wanted. He recognized Sam right away and called her Sam which is sweet because he only knew Sam as Steve. )

Saul: Hey Sam , Hows it going?
Sam: Pretty good just hanging out with these two love birds

( Marla and Darren were walking faster so it was just Saul and Sam together walking back to the house. )

Saul: Oh cool, whatcha doing tonight?
Sam: Nothing much probably just gonna sit at home and watch Netflix.
Saul: you should come over and stay the night at Darren's house. I'm gonna sleepover you should too.
Sam: Why? I thought you didn't like me... I cant have sex with you I'm not your type... and I still have a dick.
Saul: Well just to cuddle and hangout... we don't have to sleep together. I just haven't seen you in a while and want to catch up.
Sam: Sure.
( *  It was probably one of the worst decisions Sam will ever make.  * )
Saul: Great we can drink , we can smoke some pot... come on we will have fun. He said with a grin.

( That is usually what they did if everyone was at Darren's house. They'd smoke a lot of pot... drink some alcohol and then do other things. )

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