^_^ BLOCKED ^_^

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Sunday morning at Sam's house:

( Bryce heads to Sam's house, not really in the mood to apologize so instead, he thought he was going to sweet talk her into having sex with him before he leaves today. He thinks of another way to maybe have sex at her house or have sex in his big truck because you know girls love having sex in big pickup trucks right? But Sam was so fed up with his shit she didn't want to talk at all so she was super pissed when Bryce knocked on her door, she decided to open it anyways. )

Bryce: Hey sexy, what's up? Why did you leave last night?
Sam: You know exactly why I left last night you fat fuck.
Bryce: Whoa whoa babe, slow down. I was gonna come over and apologize but now I'm thinking you don't deserve it, you've been a naughty girl, maybe I should punish you.
Sam: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Bryce: What?
Sam: Seriously? Are you that thick? You don't get it do you. You. Are. Not. My. Type. Layoff creep, you literally fingered me without my consent, you got me drunk and high, you tried to rape me, you failed. Your just some sick fuck who has some serious mental issues that you need to deal with. Like immediately.
Bryce: Nah, but your thicc asf and I'd love to take you out to dinner sometime and apologize and show you how good a real man can treat you.
Sam: A real man? A real man respects a woman and her decisions. A real man, doesn't hit a woman. A real man doesn't rape women. So if you want to try to tell me what a real man is trust me, I've met a few, and just like my father your not one of them.
Bryce: Too bad your not a real women though so none of that matters.
Sam: Oh really, well sweetie I hate to break it to you but I'm more of a woman then you will ever get, and I'm more of a man than you'll ever be, so get on your knees and suck my dick, if your not interested then leave me the fuck alone. Like forever.
Bryce: Just wait. You'll look back on this moment and realize how big of a mistake your making, I'm gonna make your life a living hell and your gonna wish you were never born.
Sam: Oh yea I'm sure, you won't be around for a long time, Marla cares more about me then she does her boyfriend and if he chooses you over her even after what you did. Oh you got another thing coming, because I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to fuck up what he has with her right now does he? No. Okay so have a nice life and never speak to me again you dirty fat pig.
Bryce: Fuck off you prude cunt. Just wait until I tell everyone how much of a slut you are then no one will ever date you.
Sam: Do you have pictures of our little affair.
Bryce: Why would I need them?
Sam: If you don't have pictures proving something happened why should anyone believe a single word that comes out of your nasty little pie hole?
Bryce: Fuck off cunt! Go suck some more dick ( Bryce storms off )
Sam: Don't mind if I do. ( Sam Laughs )

( After that moment, Sam and Bryce never see or speak to each other ever again. Bryce ended up just moving back home and never doing anything with his life except eat and play video games in his moms basement all day. Sam blocked him immediately after the fight. She continued to be the bad ass bitch she is and never thought about what would've happened if she just let things happen to her. She refuses to let anyone go further than she wants, she sets boundaries with next potential hook ups, and she just lives her life, the same way everyone should live there life. One day at a time. Never letting the past interfere with the present and always looking forward to the future. Marla ended up breaking up with Darren before she got pregnant because she found out he had been cheating with his ex girlfriend this whole time they've been together and she gets a restraining order put on him because he's just a douchebag and he deserves it. Sam and Marla are still best friends to this very day, as we speak they are probably playing some version of GTA together blowing shit up and having a good time as usual, so I guess for everyone but Bryce and Darren, everyone was doing great! And continue to have marvelous adventures together. )


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