And So It Begins.

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Saul Moves Closer to Sam, it is pitch dark in the room but they can feel each other.
Saul: where are you?
Sam: Here. But go on your side.
Saul: Why? Come on lets cuddle.
Sam: Shh I don't want them to hear us.
Saul: Fine I'll whisper.

( Saul is feeling for Sam's body and he grabs her boobs, rubs them a bit. Sam moans a little bit but not too loud. )

Sam: Come on cut it out. Just cuddling. That's all this is.
Saul: Come here. I know you want some too.
Sam: No your straight and I haven't shaved.
Saul: I don't care.

( Saul grabs Sam's face and starts making out with her. This confuses Sam, but then she thinks about how she wanted to before... but look at him he isn't cute anymore. What does Sam do? She continues to make out with him. He goes to put his hands in her pants, and Sam was getting a boner and she was very embarrassed. )

Sam: Hey. Stop. Come... on... man...

Saul starts jerking Sam off. Pulling her pants off.

Saul: Yeah you like that?
Sam: no. Stop Saul. Please.
Saul: Come on babe. We are just having fun.

( Saul gets more aggressive and tries to finger Sam. She moves away and tells him not to do that she just wants to cuddle. But she has been lonely for a while maybe she should... no she doesn't want to have sex with Saul. )

Sam: Saul... Please... Stop... This.... she starts to moan.

( Saul is now spitting on his cock. Sam doesn't want to go further. She turns to have her back on the ground and pushes Saul. )

Saul: Turn around this won't hurt a bit.
Sam: No stop. I told you I'm not doing this.

( Saul flips Sam around like a sack of potatoes. He spits on his fingers and shove them in Sam's tight ass. She gasps but tries not to be loud. He fingers her for about 20 seconds then she tells him thats enough. She likes the roughness though. But this is not a normal hookup. She doesn't want to do this. But he persisted. )

( He starts to rub his 2 inch pinch on Sam's tight hole. She gasps. She doesn't want it but she doesn't have a choice. He Shoves it in really hard. Barely any lube. Sam screams so she would wake her friend up and she wakes up and Saul stops. That ended it there. They cuddled for the rest of the time. That's it just cuddling. No more. Sam goes to the bathroom and realizes he shoved his dick in so hard he made her bleed. She felt so embarrassed that she couldn't do anything. She is very ashamed that she let that happen to herself. )

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