🍆 Meat 🍆

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Skip forward 3 months. Bryce is planning to stay at Darren's house for the week. Yes. A whole week. Who else is staying over? yep you guessed it... Sam. 😒.

So. At Darren's house.

Bryce: Hey! Darren! Where do you want this deer meat?
Darren Shouting from the back room: Put it on the counter... We will cook it for the girls tonight.
Bryce: Won't they be pissed?
Darren: Trust me Marla and Sam will eat almost anything you put in front of them... As long as it smells good.
Bryce: Okay.
Darren: Bring that 16 pack back here. I need a couple drinks before they get here.
Bryce: Me too.

( The girls are getting ready at Marla's house )

Marla: So do you think Bryce will try to get with you like Saul did?
Sam: I really hope not, he's even more repulsive then Saul.
Marla: Well we can sit together and I'll make sure he doesn't sit next to you, and I'll make sure he sleeps alone. Because you probably don't want to cuddle him right?
Sam: Right. It will be a cold day in hell next time I let something like that happen again.
Marla: Okay, good. Well I think we are just about ready... Are you good?
Sam: Yea. I'm ready.

( The girls head over to Darren's )

The girls walk in and it's noticeable that the boys were smoking for hours before they got here.
Marla goes into the room first and yells at Darren

Marla: Babe what the fuck! Did you smoke everything without us?
Darren: Maybe, Why?
( Marla smacks him )
Darren: OW! What was that for?
Marla: You smoked without me... Go get more!
Darren: No! Make me!
Marla: Fine (whispers) If you don't get more pot for me and Sam to smoke we won't have sex for the entire week.
Darren: Your joking.
Marla: No I'm not.
Darren: Fine, Bryce can go and get it.
Bryce: I have to go all the way to Franconia... I'm not going alone.
Darren: Sam go with him.
Sam: No, Why me? Why don't we all go?
Darren: I'm lazy and I want Marla here with me.
Sam: Fine.

( They were in Manchester. And if you do not know where New Hampshire is let alone. Manchester is almost at the border dividing New Hampshire and Massachusetts and Franconia was about a 2 hour drive 1 way. So basically a 4 hour drive almost for like 5 grams of pot, which is not a lot. )

( Bryce pulls up in his pickup truck and winks at Sam )

Bryce: Get in sexy.
Sam: I look like a drug dealer right now. I don't look good. Like I said you were hitting on my friend. I'm not into you. SO PLEASE. Stop talking to me like you have any chance of getting with me. I'm looking for a boyfriend and according to Sandy. " No girls hold you down, your a free man, You need as many woman as you want." So yea I'm not interested in a hookup, especially with you, sorry, nothing personal your just not my type.
Bryce: I was willing to get in a relationship with you but whatever you fucking bitch.
Sam: Lets just try to be civil for this long car ride. I don't want to have to walk home.
Bryce: Fine, I'll shut up if you let me kiss you and grab your ass.
Sam: Fine. Not in front of them though. We can do that before we get inside.

( Sam wasn't actually interested in letting him do those things with her. But she did want him to shut up so thats why she said what she said. )

( Nothing else happened in the truck, Bryce wanted  Sam to do things but she wouldn't. They sat in silence both ways, not talking not even looking at each other. )

( 4 hours later about 9pm )

( Sam and Bryce are back from there little trip, Sam gets out first and runs inside avoiding Bryce for the rest of the night just so she doesn't have to kiss him or let him grab her ass. )

( It's 11:30pm Bryce is awake in the living room, Sam is awake in the bedroom, Marla and Darren are knocked out. )

( Bryce comes into the room quietly, he asked Sam to come watch tv and smoke some more. She agreed but thats all just watching tv and smoking. )

Bryce: So what do you want to watch?
Sam: I don't care, maybe just like a tv show, or a comedy.
Bryce: How bout a scary movie and you can cuddle up with me?
Sam: Yea, pass, thanks anyways, maybe I'll go back in the bedroom.
Bryce: No! Please. I'm sorry I brought it up, I'm just lonely and your lonely.
Sam: That doesn't mean shit, you have to be attracted to the person to want to do intimate things like cuddling and kissing, you can't just kiss someone without their consent. Or grab their ass.
Bryce: Wow I didn't realize I was doing something wrong all this time.
Sam: Glad you know now.

( Bryce Lunges over to Sam and gets on top of her and starts to make out with her, Sam was so repulsed she pushed him off, even though it took a couple of minutes then she goes into the room and locks the door, she will not tolerate this anymore. )

( So Bryce sits alone in the living room by himself all night because he let his nasty man urges get the best of him, Sam stayed in the room and was having flashbacks to when Saul did the same thing to her. She was trying to forget it but Bryce was doing the same thing, but Sam was going to make sure he doesn't get to the point where Saul did. )

Tuesday morning:

( The boys went out to get more beer and pot, they smoked about 1 ounce that night so the boys left to get another one. The girls stayed in the house trying to sober up drinking water and Sam was making coffee. )

Marla: Any problems last night? I hope not.
Sam: Actually...
Marla: What happened?
Sam: Nothing for a while. Me and Bryce were going to smoke and watch a tv show, then he wanted to cuddle, we didn't but still he offered which made me uncomfortable. Then he basically fucking attacked me, got on top of me and started making out with me. I pushed him off and came back into the room, I was not going to go through that again.
Marla: Damn, Darren has some pretty fucked up friends, I'm really sorry Sam.
Sam: It's not your fault.
Marla: I know but I still feel really bad, I'll talk to Darren when he gets back you can stay home tonight if you want.
Sam: Yea. I'm sorry but I probably will.

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