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Friday morning: At Sam's house.

( Marla gets her stuff together before Darren wakes up and heads over to Sam's and knocks on the door. Sam answers tired asf. )

Sam: Hey what's up?
Marla: Good morning, sleepy head. What happened with you? Why did you leave so early? Was it Bryce again?
Sam: Of course it was Bryce he is a total sleaze bag.
Marla: What did he do?

Sam: Well, I mean I guess we were fine. Then I woke up and I realized I was cuddling him so I went into the bathroom then went to sleep in the room but the door was locked, then I told him I didn't want to sleep with him. He made me sleep on the floor all last night and he called me a cunt, which is not okay at all.
Marla: I'm sorry. At least he didn't try to fuck you again.
Sam: Still not cool that I had to sleep on the floor. Why did you come over?
Marla: I was going to ask if you wanted me to sleep over.
Sam: Tonight? Yea sure, is Darren gonna be mad at you?
Marla: Probably, I don't care.
Sam: Cool.

( Sam and Marla spent the at Sam's like they said, the boys on the other hand, had a different place in mind )

Bryce: Hey we all set to go tonight?
Darren: Of course dude. Who doesn't want to see strippers and hookers going up and down those poles?
Bryce: I'll definitely be getting some tonight.
Darren: Yea, maybe I will too.
Bryce: I might be a piece of shit but don't cheat its not cool.
Darren: Relax it's not cheating if she doesn't know about it.
Bryce: Fair enough.

( The boys go to the strip club up north and sleep with a couple of girls who were working that night. Still to this day Marla never finds out about her boyfriends infidelity. The boys come home drunk and a mess, it's 10pm on Friday night. As Darren falls asleep, Bryce is wide awake plotting a way to get into Sam's pants. )

Saturday morning: at Darren's

Darren: Hey dude how long have you been up?
Bryce: Oh just a couple hours. I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about that hooker's pussy.
Darren: Yea for older skanks they were pretty hot.
( They laugh )
Darren: You can't tell anyone though. I have a really good thing going with Marla: she's super tight and we fuck without a condom all the time, I'm trying to get her pregnant so she will stay with me. You know chicks once they have a kid with a guy, the guy is entitled to do whatever he wants, and once she has the kid I'll be more public about cheating and there's nothing she can really do, she's scared of me and won't dare break up with me.

Bryce: Damn man thats some crazy shit. But true.
Darren: Yea so that's my deal. What's the deal with you and Sam? You gonna fuck her and record it before you leave.
Bryce: Oh yea I totally forgot about that bitch... I don't have a solid plan but if she sleeps over tonight which I guarantee she will.
Darren: Why's that?
Bryce: Well, I think that if your telling the truth about Marla we get her to invite her over and just say it will be different.
Darren: Different how?
Bryce: We can lie and say that I'm leaving then I'll show up after you guys have had too much to drink and smoke.
Darren: I think that might actually work. Girls are really stupid.
Bryce: Right?

Saturday night:

( So Bryce will try again tonight to get in Sam's pants, the boys know this but the girls don't suspect a thing. Marla tells Sam the situation and then she decides to come over. The girls get ready grab some snacks and stuff at Sam's house. Head over to Darren's, Bryce left to keep the lie up as long as possible, they start to smoke, drink whatever to forget about their problems. )

Sam: So, why did Bryce leave early?
Darren: Uhhh... His mom needed him to come home and his sister needed him to bring her somewhere.
Sam: Oh too bad. Hahaha

( A few hours later at Darren's its about 9-10pm. Everyone is visibly and physically intoxicated. Marla and Darren fell asleep after having sex 2 times, which Sam could hear... She didn't like that. They locked the door and fell asleep. Bryce was still sitting in his truck until about 11pm and Sam was asleep by now she didn't hear the front door open, Bryce walks in and sees Sam on the couch and locked the front door and the back and made sure the bedroom door was locked. He goes to the couch and lays with Sam... And so it begins kids. Don't worry nothing happens... Yet. )

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