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( So, here we are. The guys are coming back from their trip thingy, the girls are finished with the girl talk, Sam has to get ready for her date which is in like 2-3 hours. )

(The guys walk in laughing about all the lies they have been spurting out)

(The girls are just hanging out on their phones wondering what's so funny)

Darren: Hey babe (kisses Marla)
Marla: Hey babe
Saul: Hey baby (goes to kiss Sam)
(Sam holds her hand up) Sam: Don't even think about it.
Darren: That's no way to treat your daddy Sam.
(The guys laugh and high five)
Sam: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Saul: I might've told him what you were calling me last night and the night before when I was fucking your brains out.
Sam: #1: I was calling you a pig? And #2: Um, EXCUSE ME? What? You stuck your two inch pinch in me for like 2 seconds the first night we cuddled, and you forced me to suck your nasty little dick for like 3 minutes last night so shut the fuck up with those stupid fucking lies.

Darren: oh your slut is feisty Saul, better tell her to calm down before she gets out of hand.
Marla: Babe? WTF? Sam is telling the truth. Saul is lying. He basically raped Sam. He is a piece of shit and I think you should make him stay away, until he changes his ways.
Saul: Nah man don't listen to them they are the lying pieces of shit just trying to fuck up our friendship.
Darren: I mean you have been spending a lot of time here, maybe you should go home for like a few weeks, and just stay away. My girl doesn't lie.
Saul: This is some fucked up shit man. Come on Sam tell them what really happened.
Sam: I already told Marla, she was going to tell Darren as soon as you left. So off you go bye-bye.
Saul: Fuck you prude bitch, your never going to get a boyfriend after I tell everyone how much of a dirty little skank you are.
Sam: Yea sure, don't let the door hit you on the way out!!! BTW I'M BLOCKING YOUR SORRY FAT ASS SO DON'T BOTHER TEXTING OR CALLING EVER AGAIN YOU FAT PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!
Darren: Harsh, so what's the real deal between you too?
Sam: Your girlfriend can tell you what happened between us, like the real truth behind it.
Marla: OH! I totally forgot you have that date today Sam!
Sam: Shit I do. What time is it?
Darren: 11:30, when's the date?
Sam: We are going out to lunch at 1 I need to shower and pick out a really cute outfit. I will be back later to tell you guys how it all went.

( Sam leaves and Marla starts to tell Darren the whole truth )

( Fast forward to after Sams date )

Marla: Hey girl. How was the date?
Sam: Awful.
Marla: How come?

Sam: Because, I acted like a fucking idiot in front of him, we were sitting for like 5 minutes and I dropped my silverware, He didn't tell me I looked good in my outfit. And I shaved my legs and everything... I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe Saul was right when he said I'll never get a boyfriend. I mean not because of him but just because of me. I'm a klutz, I have a lazy eye, I'm fucking trans, and like everyone knows that. I'm going to die alone and I'm going be a sad cat lady who gets eaten by her cats haha.

Marla: You'll be fine, I promise there's someone for everyone out there, I have Darren and your gonna find someone soon enough don't worry okay hun?
Sam: I mean I'll try but I can't promise anything.
Marla: Good enough. Do you want to smoke? Then maybe we can like go listen to music and play games or something?
Sam: Yea that would be great thanks, Your a really good friend Marla.

(Marla and Sam start to smoke and forget about all there troubles and think about the future).

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