Chapter 21

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I glance over at Daniel in the darkness, with just the glow of the moon highlighting his features. Immediately, I notice that he appears to be dreaming.

His long legs, that are intertwined with mine, flinch and jerk slightly. His hand that rests across my stomach starts to make small, but uncoordinated movements.

My eyes wander back up to his face. I watch intently as his lips murmur words that I cannot decipher. His eyes flicker repeatedly, slowly at first but then I see that his eyes move beneath his eyelids faster and faster.

Daniel's hands suddenly jolt to his face, making me jump in response. Although he is still asleep, his hands cover his mouth like he has seen something terrible in his dream.

Beads of sweat begin to roll across his forehead, into his unruly hair.

"No!" He begins to murmur over and over again.

"Daniel." I say as I shake him. "Daniel, wake up. You're having a nightmare."

"Oh, God! Oh, no! No! Please.... NO!" He shouts before sitting bolt upright in the bed, now fully awake.

His eyes are wide in panic as he looks around the room. He turns his head to see me, sitting up next to him in the huge bed. I watch as his expression softens.

"You OK?" I ask when I reach for his hand. "I think you were having a nightmare."

Daniel ignores my hand, but buries his head in my lap. I stroke his sweat-soaked hair, and wait for him to talk. I know all too well the feeling of waking up from a nightmare.

"I found you." His voice is full of emotion, so I continue to hold him tightly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"I knew you were dead before I got to you. I just knew it... as soon as I opened your front door... I could feel that you were dead." Daniel sits up to look at me with wild eyes.

"It was just a dream. I'm right here." I lean forward to kiss him softly.

"God, that was so fucking real." He bangs his forehead like he is trying to expel an image from his mind. "I can't get the way your eyes stared blankly out of my head."

"Daniel, just breathe... it was a dream. Just do what I do." I breath in and out slowly, which Daniel thankfully follows.

"You'd been strangled... in your flat. I was too late... again!" He jumps off the bed, and picks up my laptop.

I'm too shocked to speak for a couple of seconds, frightened by Daniel's dream. I clear my throat, and compose myself. "Just a dream." I repeat before watching him typing on my laptop. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing what is available for us to rent. I need to get you out of that flat as soon as I can. Someone has been in there, it's not safe."

"OK, we will look but there is no need to rush. I'm going to phone the alarm company to ask about upgrading security, and I will change the alarm code as soon as I get back later." I want to convince us both that I'm in control about what is happening.

"Good plan. But I want you to give notice to your landlord as soon as you get home. OK?" He nods towards me.

I nod in return as a grin spreads across my face. "So Hollywood, does this mean you're asking me to live with you?"

His smile immediately matches mine. He strides over to me and I kneel on the bed in front of him. I feel his hands begin to gently caress my face. His lips suddenly slam into mine before his tongue parts my lips. My good hand grips his muscular shoulder as I deepen the kiss.

Letting in Light ✔️ [Completed] [Book two]Where stories live. Discover now