Chapter 8

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I woke up in Dks arm on the couch. I woke him up by kissing his cheek non stop. I watched his eyes slowly open and I smiled.
"Goodmorning" I said all smiley.
"Good Morning. How come you're so smiley?"
"I dont know."
"Im surprised you're so smiley beings what happened with Mikey last night."
"Yea but you were the first one there for me. You made sure I was ok." I smiled even more at him. He looked at my lips and licked his lips. He brought one hand up to the side of my face and kissed me gently. I kissed back. We kept our faces close but pulled our lips away them reconnected them again. We did that for almost a minute straight. I smiled a lot during it.
"I still like you" Dk said.
"I still like you too but I wanna take things slow. I did just get out of s relationship" he nodded and kissed my forehead.
"We can just flirt nonstop." I giggled and nodded. We both smiled and somehow cuddled closer together. We put on Netflix and decided to watch a show together. Start a brand new show and just have it be like our show. We ended up watching Friday Night Lights. (Its no longer on Netflix 😭 but its based on a small town thats all about football). He got all into it when there was football games going on. It was cute as hell. He had a big smile on his face but he was so focused on the tv too. I looked back at the tv and watched the show.
After about an hour Jake came home. When he saw Dk and I he made a face that read o shit all over it. A few second later Mikey came in.


Really short ik its for the cliffhanger. I just wanna say i love you all sooooo much thank you for being so supportive of this book. Its my favorite so far.

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