-o 9 o- || confession

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  "Jungkook." Jungkook looks at me with his eyebrow raised still listening to his music. "Do you like me?"  

Jungkook's eyes widen as he takes his earbud out of his ear and stops his music while coughing furiously. I look at him with concern while placing my hand on his shoulder. There's a dust of pink on his cheeks as he shakes his head furiously. "O-Of course not!" He stutters. 

I feel both my face and my heart drop as I stare at the boy. I drop my hand in defeat feeling as self-conscious as ever. I look down hiding my face with my hair while whispering out an 'oh'.

see? why would anyone wanna be friends with you? as soon as they see your body they hurl in disgust. 

"W-well, of course I like you!" I look up at Jungkook in confusion. "Just not like that! Cause..gross I would never like someone like you." I widen my eyes at his words feeling myself heat up. I realize what I said in the first place and heat up even more.

"No-! I mean, of course I wasn't asking like that just...as a person." We both nod at each other and I see Jungkook's light blush fade and I feel mine fade as well.

A few moments pass by before Jungkook opens his mouth again. "Wait..why?" I can feel myself sink with embarrassment thinking about it. I open my mouth but close it again contemplating on whether or not to tell him.

"I've never really had much of a problem with my body until I went to camp two years ago." I can feel Jungkook looking at me intently showing that he was listening deeply to my words. "My friends and I weighed ourselves for fun before camp and I was the heaviest. No one paid attention to that though, we just laughed it off, including me." I shrug at my words before continuing.

"When I came back from camp Jihe-my mom commented on my weight." I almost say Jihee's name before I realize Jungkook won't know who she is. I hitch my breath for a second remembering the numbers before sighing out. 

"I went to the bathroom and stepped on the scale again. I lost 10 pounds." I smile thinking back at the memories. "I told my mom and we were both happy. We did a diet together at first then I started slipping off of it. My mom thought I was gaining weight but in reality, I was losing pounds day by day." I looked at Jungkook to catch him staring at me. He locked his eyes with mine while I continued my story. "Not caring turned into being self-conscious when anyone laughed. Even if it had nothing to do with me. Even if they were strangers." 

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me as Jungkook lunged towards me resting his head in my neck. I tensed for a second before relaxing into his touch. I let go and cried into his shoulder making both of his shake softly. Jungkook rubbed circles on my back calming me down before leaning away from me with a smile on his face. "Beautiful." I stared at him in shock staring into his eyes.

"W-what?" I whisper. Jungkook holds my cheek softly in his palm while maintaining eye contact.

"You're too beautiful for those voices in your head." I notice Jungkook's eyes turn softer and softer every second he looks at me. I feel my own stomach twirl around with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint. Suddenly Jungkook's eyes fill with shock and he pulls away from me.

"I'm s-sorry I d-don't know what got into me-" Jungkook began shaking his head furiously breaking eye contact before I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"It's okay Jungkook." Jungkook's eyes soften when his lock with mine. I smile at him trying to comfort him. I relax as he returns the smile and pull my arm away from his. I break eye contact and get up from the bed. "I'll be going now, I'll be in my room if you need me. Have fun with your friends." I walk to the door and open it before stepping into the hallway and allowing the door to shut behind me. 


i'm sorry this chapter is so short! but, the next chapter is definitely something to stay tuned for! so, stay tuned! :) i hope you liked this chapter! if you did, please vote and comment to show your support! a new chapter coming soon! until then, au revoir! 

p.s. after i post all the drafts i have written for this book i'm going to be uploading chapters every tuesday and friday CST. =) [haha i lied]



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