-o 14 o- || aftermath.

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1 week without Jimin. Yes, Jimin managed to leave the ward without any questions about his neck. I still to this day don't know how. I mean, I haven't come out of my room ever since the incident. I only knew because of Jin Hyung. Today was the day I did have to come out though. Usually, no one would be able to stay in their room for this long but the staff set up a plan for me where I could stay in my room for a week whenever I felt like I needed it. But, I can only use it once a month. That plan has saved my ass so many times, including this time.

I was looking at my ceiling while sitting Indian style on my bed when I heard a knock on the door. I slowly look away from the ceiling towards the door. I stay quiet but the door opens anyways revealing Jin-Hyung with breakfast. I haven't even noticed how long time has passed by. This whole week I haven't been able to sleep at all, confusing night as day and day as night. It didn't really matter anyways now that I think about it.

"Jungkooookieeeeeeeee!!!!" Jin exclaimed with a smile on his face aimed towards me. He set the food on the counter and came over to my bed sitting down next to me and giving me a side hug. "How's my Jungkook?" I shrugged looking down at my lap. Jin patted my back in response and hopped off the bed.

"Well...they let me cook again today!!" My eyes darted to Jin who was already taking off the lid and taking the meal to me. He pulled up the table on wheels and set the food onto it. "I cooked your favorite...SOYBEAN SOUP!!" A disgusted look fills my face immediately and I scoff at Jin. "Just kidding, just kidding.." Jin lifts the top and it reveals a pizza with "JIN" spelled out in pepperoni. I smile for the first time this week and laugh softly at Jin's silliness. "I knew you would like it! Of course, who wouldn't love me on their pizza?" Jin fake flips his hair with a smug grin on his face. I smack Jin on the shoulder while laughing.

We both calm down and dig into the pizza. I grab a piece and see fries under the pizza. The smile drops from my face suddenly when memory goes through my mind.

"Maybe you do especially since I'm shoving a fry in your pathetic anorexic face."

I choke on air and drop the piece of pizza.

"Jungkook, are you okay? Talk to me." Jin says also dropping his pizza in worry.

"Jimin." I whisper softly.

I hear Jin sigh sadly while putting his arm around my shoulders. "Well..let's talk about him then." Jin pushes the table away softly with his other hand and lays on the bed bringing me down with him. "You like him, huh?"

I wasn't surprised that Jin knew. Jin basically knew everything.

"Yeah.." I open my mouth to speak again but cut myself off.

"Something happened before Jimin left, didn't it?" Jin said.

I sit silently repeating the scene in my head unaware of the tears falling onto my face.

"Y-yeah" I say with a broken voice, choking on tears. "Hyung, I hurt him.." I whisper softly. I let myself go in Jin's arms and cry into his chest. Jin rubs circles on my back in comfort.

"I know baby, I know. It's okay..Shh..It's okay.." Jin soothes as I struggle to breathe.

Before I know it I fall asleep slowly quieting my crying and snuggling into Jin's chest instead. Jin tucks me in and kisses my forehead. He smiles at me and I try to smile back half asleep.

"I love you, Kook." Jin says softly. I hum in response and turn on my side.

"If only you knew, Kook..If only you knew.." Jin says before picking up the breakfast and heading towards the door opening it and shutting it softly leaving me to sleep and forget about his words.



Sounds fake." Namjoon remarks. Jin rolls his eyes before putting his head in his palm.

Everyone sat around the TV in the main room listening to Jin's story. Both Namjoon and Hoseok thought that Jungkook was full of lies. They all knew that he was a compulsive liar by now. Even the therapists knew that. Yoongi sat in a chair with Taehyung on his lap bouncing him to sleep.

Yoongi didn't know what to think of the story, right now he was too focused in his own mind and worried about Taehyung. Taehyung's been sad for the past week since he hasn't seen Jungkook in a while. Yoongi's been trying to take care of Taehyung but sometimes their own problems crashed and everything went downhill anyways.

"I'm telling you guys," Jin started off happily. "Jungkook seemed so sympathetic when he was crying into me! It was like...he actually had emotions." Jin's voice turned bitter at the end.

Namjoon noticed it looking into Jin's face and seeing the hatred spread all over. Hoseok didn't even have to look to know what was going on.

Hoseok started talking because he knew no one else would. "Jin, you're happy because Jungkook finally has feelings-"

"He doesn't though!" Namjoon interrupted.

"Shut up." Hoseok looked at Namjoon with a glare.
"Someone needs their meds changed.." Namjoon mutters. Hoseok rolls his eyes before starting his rant again.

" Jin you're happy because Jungkook finally has feelings..." Hoseok looked at Namjoon for a few seconds before continuing. "...but you're also upset that it's because of Jimin and not you."

"That's not true!" Jin shrieked.

"Can I finish? What's with you people and interrupting. At least Yoongi doesn't interrupt me all the time." Hoseok ranted before glaring at Jin and Namjoon. "Good. Now, as I was saying, it is true. And now you're trying to convince us...why?" Jin opened his mouth to respond but Hoseok held up his hand as if to stop him. "I couldn't care less. But now, Namjoon is upset that you care about Jungkook and not him." Hoseok finished laying back satisfied with his speech. Both Jin and Namjoon looked bitter towards Hoseok because they both knew he was right. They looked at each other and it all began.

"Namjoon doesn't like me-"
"I don't like Jin!"
"Namjoon is like a brother!"
"Never ever ever!"
"Jungkook is my youngest baby he-"
"Yeah all your saying is lies!"

They both kept interrupting eachother before looking at Hoseok for a response. He just shrugged and stood up walking towards Jungkook's room.

"Huh? Did you say my name Hoseok?" Yoongi finally realizes.

Taehyung wakes up in a fit of happiness, "Hobiiiii!- wait where's Hobi?" Taehyung pouts. Both Namjoon and Jin look at eachother. Somehow with only their eyes they both agreed that Hoseok was right but to never speak about it again. So they didn't.


when you haven't updated in what feels like a year:


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thanks if you still read this yEetokaybye

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