Chapter 17: Borders and Convictions

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Chapter 17: Borders and Convictions

Faith didn't object when I sat next to her on the couch, either because she was starting to get used to me or because she was so invested in watching her TV show. Judging by the blank look in her eyes and her slightly parted lips, it was the second option.

"You watch 'Gravity Falls'?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Before you judge me, let me remind you that you were watching 'Jersey Shore' on our way to New Jersey."

"It's educational!"

"The same way 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' is educational! Now shut up, I'm clearly watching a show here."

I rolled my eyes but didn't protest, watching it along with her. I hadn't seen this episode before, but at the same time, I didn't watch 'Gravity Falls' that often. It was a show for little kids. Strange and possibly mad little kids, but still little kids.

"To win a girl, you need confidence, comedy, and some other third thing that starts with a 'C,'" Faith quoted the old guy. She turned to me and grinned mockingly. "Sucks to be you, since you don't have any of those things."

I opened my mouth to retort that I actually DID have a third thing that started with a 'C,' but before I could, Reese burst into the room and scared the living crap out of us.

"Guys, I've got great news!" she cried as the door to the trailer slammed into the wall behind her.

Faith jumped and paused the television. I fell off the couch.

"What is it?" Jasmine asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"So I was walking around outside to stretch my legs, and I accidentally found the Canadian border!"

"Wait, so that means that we're not lost anymore?" I asked excitedly.

"Nope! We can finally go to Montreal!"

We all whooped and high-fived each other enthusiastically. We had been going around in circles trying to find the stupid border, since the band was already there and waiting for us to catch up. Our next show was in Montreal, and our break was over tomorrow. We had to get there fast in order to have enough time for rehearsal and kicking Dalton Rapattoni out of the band.

Jasmine got in the driver's seat and pulled us out of the truck stop that we had been residing in for the past couple days. It was a relief to no longer have to live off of gas station food and fear that some driver was going to smack the side of our trailer and yell, "Hey, you ain't truckers! Git!" like the last five.

"So, the adventure is over," Faith remarked, picking up the television remote.

My brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, once you're with your band again, you won't need us anymore. So much for your summer romance with Jasmine."

I realized that she was right. Once Reese and I reunited with the band, we'd start living on the tour bus with them. We wouldn't need Faith and Jasmine any longer, and that meant... they'd leave. Jasmine would leave.

"Well... you could come with us," I said quickly, trying to think of something. "It doesn't have to end."

Faith frowned. "Why not? We're not important."

"Maybe you're not, but Jasmine is to me. I don't want to give up on her yet."

"You're trying really hard for someone you've only known for about a month."

"I know a good person when I see one. I'm an excellent judge of character."

She snorted. "Why do I feel like you're lying?"

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