[02] Death Eaters

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Separating at the last possible moment, Aaron and Hermione had to return back to their respective tents as they did not want to miss the match. With smiles on their faces, it was safe to say that the trip to the world cup packed a little more than just watching quidditch. Re-entering their respective tents they came back to plenty of teasing and scolding depending on who was talking.

"Mione, I can't believe you actually went with that Park kid. Was he nice? Did he treat you alright?" said Ron was slight disgust in his face.

Hermione scowled as she replied, "Yes, Ronald. He was perfectly fine. Why can't you just trust me. You sound an awful lot like a father right now you imbecile."

"So, how was your little snogging session with the golden girl?" Justin asked with a big smile and a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Aaron rolled his eyes and smirked, "Shut up J, at least Hermione actually talks to me. My sister still ignores you on purpose, just because she can."

Justin's eyes opened wide and he spluttered out, "Hey! That's not true! She looks at me sometimes! She just doesn't do it in public."

"Yeah sure mate." Aaron said shaking his head as he pat Justin's back. "She only looks at you to scowl at you. Honestly, it's a miracle she even acknowledges you."

"Whatever loser." Justin says while he pouts.

The Diggory clan had finally stopped the both of them from firing verbal shots at each other with some serious effort. They were finally ready to watch the World Cup. The anticipation was high with everyone. Not a single person was sitting, everyone was ready to start cheering at a moment's notice. The two teams, Bulgaria and Ireland, were introduced by Ludo Bagman. Along with the Bulgarian team, Veela's lined the field and even the strongest of men were about to fall out of the stands at the sight of them. If you looked close enough, all of the husbands were soon about to get hit by their wives. Ireland, on the other hand, introduced with Leprechauns and amazing green, white and rainbow fireworks lighting up the sky. The display was something that you had to experience in real life. Paired with gold dropping from the sky, everyone scrambled to grab as much as their pockets could hold not knowing that it was about to disappear in a couple days.

Everything seemed like it was 200x speed. The quaffle was just a complete blur as it was expertly passed between the chasers. Even Aaron, a quidditch enthusiast, was having trouble keeping up with his omnioculars. The level that these quidditch players had was extraordinary, Aaron could only wish one day that he could represent England or Korea for the final match of the World Cup. At this point, Bulgaria has gotten a total of 10 points and Ireland's chasers have gotten a total of 170 points.

"Look the snitch! Krum's going after it!" Shouted and pointed Aaron with excitement on his face. Both Lynch and Krum started diving towards the golden snitch. Unfortunately, Lynch crashed, but Krum with a bloody nose came up victorious as he held the golden snitch up with great pride. At last, the victor of the 422 Qudditch World Cup were the Irish. The deafening claps for Krum, with the golden snitch still in hand and the Irish made the history books.

Celebrations were littered all throughout the camp sites. Riding out the highs of the match included the Diggory and the Weasley group. Both groups decided to go to sleep as the match had gone on for quite a while. As soon as Aaron was granted sleep however, there was a loud bang that woke him up. A little hazy and out of mind, he got out of his shared room with Cedric to see Mr. Diggory running around in a panic. "GET TO THE PORTKEY NOW BOYS!" Mr. Diggory screamed with a dark horror spread across his face.

Aaron finally snapped into a consciousness when he peeked outside of the tent. Wizards and witches alike were running for their lives, clutching onto their loved ones like it was the last thing they would do alive. When Aaron looked into the sky, he realized what had caused the frenzy. The Dark Mark. The mark of those who follow you-know-who was etched across the sky for all witches and wizards to fear. It was at that moment that Aaron felt true fear. The fear of a man so maniacal that he would mass murder thousands just for feeling superior. With a nudge from Justin and an shared look of, You're going to be okay, they ran out of the main area towards the portkey. Whether it be the shear fear that they both felt or just the lost sense of direction during the nighttime, the duo managed to get lost. When they realized that running around wasn't going to help them, they stopped near a group of trees with their hands on their knees, breathing heavily from the running they just did. Not knowing what they were going to walk into, they entered a clearing where three familiar faces came into view.

Just as Aaron was about to say something to Hermione, Justin clamped his hand over Aaron's mouth and shook his head. "Just watch from the shadows idiot." Quietly hissed Justin.

The best friend's witnessed the whole exchange between the ministry and the boy who lived. A short period after they heard Mr. Diggory shout, "Yes! We got them! There's someone here! Unconscious! It's – but – blimey..." They quickly went towards the sound of their chaperones voice.

As they reach the rest of their friends question's start coming out of the other two's mouths. "Where did you go?" "You could have died dumbass!" "Wait, you guys were gone?"

"We had no idea that you weren't behind us. I know but we didn't. Yes Logan, we were gone." Answered Justin calmly.

"Alright, well at least you guys are safe now. Let's get to the port key yeah? I think we all deserve a little break." Sighed Cedric but then said with a smile.

That night when they returned to the Diggory residence, Aaron laid wide awake from the events from earlier. His heart still pounding with the adrenaline from before. He wondered at Hermione's words from what seems like ages away. "My life isn't just studying Aaron. I feel like I have a bigger role than that." Hermione said one night.

'Was this what Hermione meant? Risking her life as Harry's best friend? It's not just dangerous for Harry, it's dangerous for people around him. Where ever he goes, destruction follows. Is that the best for Hermione? Wait. Why would I care? Whatever, I should fall asleep.' Shaking the last 2 thoughts off his mind he drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 

A/N: another chapter done!!! 

sorry this one took so long, I was just preoccupied by work and really wasn't in the mood for writing. 

next chapter will feature the last bits of summer and the first day of Aaron's 6th year, should be an interesting one, you will also finally get to see krystal and tiffany in action ;) 

next chapter will feature the last bits of summer and the first day of Aaron's 6th year, should be an interesting one, you will also finally get to see krystal and tiffany in action ;) 

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I will leave you with a krsytal gif

 till next time. 

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