[07] Goblet of Fire

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The Halloween feast at Hogwarts was a sight to see for many reasons. The whole great hall was decorated with everything that you could ever imagine that is connotated with Halloween. On this specific Halloween feast, nobody was really paying attention to the food, but rather who was about to be picked for the Triwizard Tournament. Student's shifting and murmuring to each other as to when the announcing of the champion's were going to start. After everyone finished eating Dumbledore walked towards the Goblet and waved his wand and everyone waited on the edge of their seats to see who the champion was.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum!" He read in a loud clear voice for the whole Great Hall to hear. Everyone politely clapped at the expected result that everyone was anticipating. Natalie clapped along with everyone but there was a tinge of worry reflected in her eyes that only Fred Weasley saw. Across the Hall, Fred caught Natalie's stare and gave her a playful wink to ease her nerves. She chuckled and just motioned for him to pay attention.

"The champion for Beauxbatons will be Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announced as the second champion that will participate. Everyone clapped once again, while looking around the Great Hall, Aaron noticed two girls sobbing. He wondered if it was out of sadness or anger but he shook his head to re-focus on the last announcement. The Hall was teeming with excitement for the Hogwarts champion.

"The Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore called out to the students. In that moment there wasn't a Hufflepuff student that wasn't on their feet screaming or celebrating for the fact that on their own student's had been made champion. From the ravenclaw table, another couple of people were also shouting and giving Cedric encouragement. As Cedric made it to Dumbledore, he locked eyes with Natalie, Aaron, Justin and Cho to reassure them that he fine and that he was happy with his decision. Natalie tightly smiled at him and Aaron slowly pulled Natalie into a hug because of how badly she was shaking at the thought of two people near and dear to her being put into a death tournament.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions." Dumbledore clapped excitedly and proceeded to explain that the students should cheer for all three schools who were participating. In the middle of his mini speech, the goblet was putting out red sparks and he reached out his hand to catch the parchment that came out of the it. He paused before he spoke, "Harry Potter."

There wasn't a single soul in the Great Hall that expected this outcome. Most people's jaws dropped in shock as Hermione started to push Harry towards the professor that just read out his name. Harry stood there blankly and desperately told Hermione and Ron that he didn't put his name in. He slowly trudged towards the professor and looked around the Great Hall. He saw all sorts of expressions; shock, disbelief, anger, sadness and every emotion you could be feeling. But he himself felt absolutely nothing in that moment and followed Dumbledore out into corridor outside of the Great Hall. The whole student body started whispering and murmuring about the 4th year that seemingly put his name into the Goblet and got chosen. A couple people stood out from these. Natalie, had a worried face because now she had to protect 3 people that she found dear to her heart. Hermione was blankly staring at the ceiling in disbelief and belief that Harry couldn't have put his name into the Goblet. Ron, staring angrily at the place that Harry had just left the Great Hall out of because he couldn't believe Harry put his name without telling him.

Everyone returned to their houses while Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had celebrations in their house common rooms. Aaron and his friend obviously went to the puff dorms in support of Cedric, but even he was a little hesitant because he wanted to see how Hermione was doing. The whole puff dorms was covered in streamers, drinks, food and large banners saying that Cedric was the true Hogwarts Champion. Cedric of course, was happy that his peers supported him, but also slightly annoyed at the banners that belittled Harry. He quickly found his true friends and they all hugged him one by one.

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