[03] The Park Family

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The summer was coming to an end. After the Qudditch World Cup, his mother demanded that he come home immediately and she basically house arrested him. Instead of throwing a ball at the wall all day long, he decided to read his textbooks in advance for sixth year. Every now and then his sister, Krystal, would annoy him a little bit but all in good fun.

"Are you ready big brother? I hear sixth year is a pain in the ass." Krystal said while looking at him expectantly.

"I'm ready baby sister. Plus, I already read all the textbooks for 6th year. I'll be fine, but for some reason mother and father wanted to get my dress robes resized. They said I needed it for something at Hogwarts? Since when did we have any balls or dances?" Aaron questioned.

"I don't know, but, this year is supposed to be very exciting. Also, I heard through a little birdy that someone has a crush on a Gryffindor." She teased while pointing her finger at him.

Aaron slapped her finger away with a scowl on his face as he said, "Who did you hear that from? I don't have a crush on a Gryffindor. Anyways, don't you have more important things than to tease your older brother?"

"Shut up stupid. You're only 14 months older than me." Krystal pouted and crossed her arms.

Aaron smiled as he ruffled her hair and said, "Whatever you say baby sister, whatever you say."

The Park siblings continued their sibling banter until their parents came home from work. The room went silent. Aaron and Krystal straightened their backs and immediately went to their parents to take away the briefcases their parents were carrying and greet them with a kiss on the cheek. Their mother, satisfied said, "We will be leaving the house tomorrow at 10:30 am. Don't be late. I also suggest you finish your packing tonight. Oh and sleep early, I don't want my kids to have dark circles." With the glare in their mother's eyes and a stern expression, both parents walked into their study and away from their children.

Both Aaron and Krystal let out breaths that they didn't know they were holding. The older, rolled his eyes and the younger shivered a little bit.

The older, noticing the shaken up state that his little sister was in said, "Hey, in three years, you're out of here. Remember that. I will leave before, but you will always be welcome at my place alright. You can do it dongsaeng. You are after all, my baby sister."

Krystal shook her head out of disbelief, "How can you be so calm oppa. They are cold and never even acknowledge us unless there is a ministry event. They use us for show and discard us at the end of the night. They hate you even more than me. Do you know how many bruises you have? How can you live with that? "

Aaron's jaw clenched and his voice hardened and took a deep breath before saying, "We have horrible parents, yes. I do get punished yes. I'm not saying that you have to like them, but they do provide money and a house, and that's a lot more than some kids get. I'm willing to take the beatings as long as they don't touch you. That's the life we lead. If we ever want to survive, we have to follow their rules. As long as we are under their house."

Krystal looked up at Aaron with tears in her eyes and a shaky voice saying, "What if I become like eomma? I don't want to do that someone. I don't want my kids to hate me. I don't want them to be scared of me. I don't want my kids to think of me as a monster."

His eyes softened for a second before they hardened again and he snapped, "Hey! You are not our mother! Just because she is a monster doesn't mean you'll be one too. You are kind, compassionate, and caring even if you ended up in Slytherin. You use your ambition to change the lives of others. That sounds like an amazing person to me."

He pulled her into a big hug as she cried into her brother's chest. A cry not just for her future, but for her brother, who bottles all of his feelings inside. For her brother that, no matter what he did, he would forever have those scars littering his body and he would protect her even if it costed his life. She cried for her life but most of all, she cried for parents. Who didn't even notice that their kids were going through so much pain and heartache. They stood there for the next half an hour, in silence. Aaron, who wondered if he really said the right words to make Krystal feel better and wondered if those mental scars would ever heal. Next to him was Krystal, who furiously wiped her tears in an attempts to reassure herself that everything was going to be alright. That maybe one day her parents would be the loving parents they once were. Deep down she knew that nothing was ever going to change. The moment their parents switched from the Auror department to the Department of Mysteries, their lives forever changed and nothing, was the same again. 


A little insight on their family life, its a little dark but necessary for the storyline of Aaron and Hermione. 

also, you'll be seeing a lot more of krystal and her life as well. so be prepared!

i will leave you on a happier note of 

i will leave you on a happier note of 

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