[09] Not What You Expected

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With the Yule Ball announced Aaron finally realized why his mother decided to let him stay for the winter break this year. Everyone wanted to go to the Yule Ball and there wasn't a single conversation that wasn't about who they were going to ask or take to the ball. Aaron's friends were all already taken. Cedric asked Cho is a romantic way during Hogsmeade, Natalie was asked by Fred with the help of Aaron, his little sister got asked by one of his best mates Justin (and she actually said yes) and Mina and Tzuyu were obviously going together as they had been dating for the past year now. All that was left who didn't have a date to the ball was Aaron. He had been racking his brain for the perfect way to ask Hermione for weeks now ever since the Ball was announced.

Aaron approached the 4th year with a slight bounce in a steps at the excitement of asking Hermione to the dance, and when he got the library he paused when he saw a random bunch of girls whispering at a sight. He peeked over them and saw Viktor approaching Hermione and he quickly made himself go to the front of the crowd to see what was happening. It seemed as if Viktor was about to say something so he quickly transfigured some flowers out of his quill and rushed out, "HERMIONE WILL YOU GO TO THE BALL WITH ME?"

She turned to look at him with a slight gratefulness and said, "I would love to."

The whole crowd watched with wide eyes as Aaron just asked Hermione Granger to the Yule Ball.

"Bloody Hell I thought they were official!"

"Who knew Aaron had the guts!"

"They're probably shagging already."

"Come one, Granger's too much of a prude for that."

Aaron heard the rumors and whispers and dragged the now frozen Hermione out of the library. With a quick sheepish smile to Madam Pince for not keeping her library quiet he quickly dragged her all the way up to the astronomy tower. Only when they were alone did Hermione quickly slap the smiling Aaron on the arm.

"Ow what the fuck was that for?"

"For you not warning me that you were going to ask me to the dance!"

"Mione its not like I can just say I'm taking you to the dance, that's not great." Aaron scratched the back of his neck and said, "Well I guess that my way of asking was not necessarily subtle either."

"You think?" Hermione crossed her arms and raised her left eyebrow.

"Sorry?" Aaron shrugged and then smirked and said, "At least I saved you from Viktor."

"Sorry? You saved me?" Hermione questioned and then realized, "Oh you thought Viktor was going to ask me to the dance? Aaron you're a dumbass, he was asking for help to ask Natalie to the dance. But I think Natalie is waiting for Fred to ask her."

"Fred's a git but he's not shy. I wonder why he isn't asking Nat! She would say yes in a heartbeat." Aaron thought out loud.

"Well, I for one want Viktor to ask Natalie so that Fred can get his head out of his arse and realize that Natalie likes him."

Aaron smiled and ruffled Hermione's hair and said, "You and me both Mione."

Christmas Eve was upon them. Every single person in the castle was getting ready to enter the Yule Ball. Corsages, matching ties to colour dresses were meticulously chosen and everyone was ready to have the time of their life. When you entered the Great Hall a truly beautiful sight was upon everyone. The normal area where students go for meals had been transformed with detailing that stunned even the highest class of people. Aaron and Hermione walked into the room and people were stunned.

"Is that actually Hermione?"

"When did she have boobs?"

"Aaron is so hot please marry me."

Aaron and Hermione chuckled at the attention that they were getting. They didn't mind so much because the Great Hall wasn't ready for Natalie and Viktor to make their entrance. Soon after Aaron and Hermione, Natalie opened the doors with a gush of wind and grabbed the whole attention of the great hall. With her fit figure from quidditch and the fit of the dress, it was safe to say that a princess had entered the great hall. Viktor had taken Hermione's advice and asked Natalie to see how Fred would react. Fred, of course, was furious and asked Angelina right in front of Natalie. When Natalie looked up her first glance for just a split second was to Fred and then right after she smirked at the amount of jaws dropped in the great hall. She confidently strode towards Viktor and he of course had his hand out for her to hold and balance herself.

"Natalie is honestly the fucking prettiest person in this world."

"Viktor is so dreamy."

"They're fucking royalty mate, just look at them! They could conquer world peace!"

Natalie winked at Aaron and Hermione and soon Natalie's voice came as a bubble to the pair.

"You too look stunning together. I'm glad that both of you decided to go with my choices for what you should wear. I told you you would garner looks and was I wrong? Absolutely not."

The two blushed at the compliment then chuckled at the Chinese-Korean before turning their attention to center stage where the Chang cousins stood with their dates. After the main dance was over, dinner was served and soon everyone was out on the dance floor.

Around 10:30 pm rumors started again because Natalie and Fred had an argument in the middle of the dance floor and Natalie stormed out of the Hall. Fred, though still angry, quickly chased after her with a push from Cedric and Cho. At around 11pm, Aaron noticed that Hermione wasn't where she said she was going to be. Instead he found her sitting on the steps, eyes red as the clear sign that she had been crying.

"Let's go." Aaron said as he dragged her out of the Great Hall and back into the Astronomy tower.

They settled in and Aaron said, "For what it's worth, Ron's a foul git and he really needs to work on his anger."

"Yeah I know. I just thought he would be happy for me you know? I'm falling in love." Hermione said with tears in her eyes. She looked over at Aaron with his eyes wide open and her jaw dropped at her own slip of tongue.

"I mean. Uh-Uh no? I'm not falling in love with you?" Hermione asked more like a question.

Aaron's face dropped and he said, "Oh uh yeah I get it then. I'll just go." He stood up as fast as possible and ran out of the Astronomy Tower back to the Ravenclaw common room where he threw out the tie and ripped his shirt in a fury. Hermione on the other hand burst into tears as soon as she saw what Aaron did and proceeded to stay there until the morning because she fell asleep crying.

"Great! What an amazing Christmas!" Hermione scoffed in her mind.



How many votes can we get to show how much you hate Aaron right now!!!

But please don't hate me, it's needed for character development. Plus everything was going too nicely I need to spice it up

But yes plz don't be mad at me😊

[not edited] 

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