[08] The First Task

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With the champions chosen and not much time left to the first task, tensions were high between all students of Hogwarts. The normally peaceful Hufflepuff's were angry at the Gryffindor's for submitting one of their own into the tournament. Of course, Harry and Cedric had nothing against each other so they were in other words stuck with their houses feuding for the time being. Aaron and Hermione were walking down the hallway to lunch one time (they finally agreed that they should meet during the day as hiding was causing even more rumors) just randomly talking to each other when they spotted Natalie and Cedric in the middle of the chaos. They look at each other with wide eyes before they both speeded towards the crowd and caught the end of what Natalie had to say.

            "STOP MAKING HUFFLEPUFF LOOK BAD. HARRY NOR CEDRIC DESERVES THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT FROM YOU ALL!" Natalie breathed heavily out before talking in a softer voice saying, "Can't you see you're just making Hogwarts look bad? We have a 50% to win this tournament and I'll be damned if you make all of my friends suffer. So if now you'll excuse Cedric and I." Natalie waved her hand and a small opening was made for her to drag Cedric out of the crowd. Before she left completely though, she non-verballed cast, "Ventus." and everyone in the vicinity of Natalie heard their pins drop as the sudden rush of wind.

            "Alright get to classes dumbasses do you want detention?" Aaron shouted at the crowd and they quickly decimated towards their classes for the afternoon.

            After the pin fiasco Cedric found out that the first task was going to be dragons. On the inside he was honestly terrified. But with the letter he received from his father congratulating him on becoming champion and how he was going to take the day off from work just to see Cedric in the tournament made Cedric sigh while hitting his head on the library table multiple times.

            "Uh Cedric are you alright?" Cho asked quite nervously (because well, how could you not be nervous in front of the champion?)

            Cedric immediately stopped banging his head on the table and looked up quickly only to see his crush standing right in front of him. His eyes widened and he smiled sheepishly at the girl and said, "Yeah I'm alright just a little stressed about the tournament."

            "Is it alright if I take a seat?" Cho asked timidly.

            Cedric's jaw dropped involuntarily and scrambled to move himself to the next seat over and tripped on the chair's legs before he finally sat down on his new seat and said, "Of course."

            Cho quietly giggled at the jumpiness of the boy that had acquired after she talked to him. She then said, "I heard from my cousin that you're practicing with her almost everyday."

            "Yeah, Nat's been a great help in terms of getting me ready for the tournament. I honestly wish she was the champion she could've done so much better than I could have." Cedric sighed.

            "But she's not the champion is she? Look you just got to believe in yourself. Like I do." Cho smiled shyly at the boy.

            Cedric raised his eyebrows in disbelief before stuttering out, "Y-you b-believe in me?"

            "Why wouldn't I?" Cho questioned.

            "I~" Cedric stopped before he said, "Well thank you Cho."

            Cho smiled at him and Cedric smiled back even wider. They looked at each other until Cedric looked away and started to blush at the long eye contact. They both sat there just blushing and trying to focus on their homework. But it seems the only thing that they could both focus on is each other and how close their elbows were to touching.

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