[10] Aaron's an Idiot but What's New?

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Aaron was definitely an idiot. No scratch that, he was the biggest dumbass on the face of the earth. He definitely jumped the gun on the decision to leave Hermione alone on Christmas Eve in their favourite place. None of his friends had talked to him in the last 5 days of Christmas break and he definitely deserved it. The only one that would associate with him was his sister, and that was because she had to, not even because she wanted to. He didn't even spend time in his own dorm anymore, afraid that someone may lash out at him, he had found comfort in the Room of Requirement. It happened to appear because as usual, after that dreaded night he was looking for a place to cry and sleep and he was moping across the 7th floor. There seemed to be a door that popped out and no one noticed. He opened the door with a slight curiosity and peered into the room that seemingly had everything that he needed. It looked exactly like his room in the Ravenclaw tower but with touches of his favourite things from home. A portrait of his family before his parents became who they are today. Pictures of him and his sister playing in the sandbox dressed the walls with such purpose that he cried from the sheer happiness of finally not feeling alone. He focused on trying to complete his assignments and essay's that he would normally push off until the later parts of the break. And for a while it worked. That is, until he ran out of work on the 5th day of his own quarantine. He sighed knowing that he had to face his friends and Hermione at some point considering they were all probably wondering where he was at this rate. He carefully slid out of the room of requirement along with his rolls of parchment from his completed work and quietly entered the Ravenclaw common room. He made a straight b-line to his dorm and opened the door nervously only to find that none of his roommates were in the room. He sighed a breath of relief and quickly changed out of his clothes into fresh ones. He was about to leave when he froze at the sound of his dorm room opening. He looked up only to see the smirking face of his best friend Justin.

"I see that you finally got over yourself and came out of whatever hole you were dying in." Justin chuckled before he moved past Aaron to get to his bed. Aaron just sighed as he knew more was coming. "Look mate, no one can blame you for what you did, but the least you can do is go apologize to the girl that you care for. She didn't know what kind of hurt you went through before, and I think it's hardly fair for her to be in the dark about it any longer. Don't be a prick, I know you're better than that." He smiled slightly and pat Aaron on the back before grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. Before he exited out of the room he heard the quietest thank you he had ever heard and just shook his head and left the room.

Aaron sighed again. He knew he had to say something to the feisty Gryffindor at some point, preferably before the break ended. He had originally planned to give Hermione a beautiful necklace that he had saw her eying on their last trip to Hogsmeade. Not wanting to waste anytime, he sat down and started writing. Once he finished the letter, he called for the family owl and gave the owl the parcel as well as the letter and told it to bring it to Hermione. He could now only hope that she would accept his peace offering.

It was a normal evening for Hermione Granger. As normal as getting rejected by someone that you thought you had a really great connection with was when she received a parcel from an unfamiliar owl. Her eyebrows raised as she took the parcel from the owl and looked at it curiously. There was a singular letter and a parcel that was given to her. Her mind gravitated to the letter first and it said:

Hi Mione,

I know this is sudden and I'm very sorry to be ruining your holiday but Happy Christmas. I am probably the last person you want to talk to but I originally had planned to give you this necklace you were eying the last time we were in Hogsmeade. Remember when I asked for you to get me sugar quills? Well that was definitely a distraction while I went and bought the necklace you loved so much. As for the night of the Yule Ball. I want to apologize first. I was a downright prat and a git for acting like I did. There's a reason for why I acted the way I did and I want to be able to explain it to you in person. If you still want to talk to me, I'll be in the astronomy tower at 10p.m tonight. I completely understand if you don't want to see me, but it would be nice to explain myself.

Once again I'm sorry Mione.

P.S. the necklace is charmed so that it never gets dirty and self dries and clean! How neat!

Love, Aaron.

Hermione took a deep breath after reading the letter over twice. She contemplated talking to him over the 5 day period but was only constantly reminded of the hurt on his face and decided not to. She looked over at the clock in the Gryffindor common room and saw that the time was a quarter past 10p.m already. She looked down at the letter and looked back up at the clock and decided that she should at least see what he has to say. She went back to her room to grab a jumper and quietly made her way through the castle towards the astronomy tower that held so many memories. When she arrived she tried her hardest to not make a sound when opening the door but the door creaked and a head turned around at the speed of light.

"Mione?" A voice so soft asked the figure at the door.

Hermione instantly melted at the voice she longed for and replied, "Yeah it's me."



I've been stuck on this chapter for months and I am so sorry that I haven't been trying to be more active in this story. I hope you know that I still want to continue this story and that I'm not abandoning it but boy is it hard to keep a writing schedule.

I am so sorry about not updating but I'm a pre-med and im currently drowning in work because of it. I will try to be better and upload more consistently but no guarantees.

Again thank you for 2.4K reads???!! That's insane

As always, leave comments and know that yall wow still read this are og's  

[not edited]

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