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Excuse the mistakes.

Winston Lucifer Reman

Looking at all his belongings, I glanced at a bruised faced before smirking. Standing in an alley way, I took another pull from my cigarette before squatting down on the damn near unconscious body.

Holding my cigarette between my lips, I repeatedly snapped my fingers, "Yo, bitch, wake yo ass up!"

I only earned a groan as his eyes battled to stay open, "Shit."

I didn't need a dead body pinned on me and I definitely didn't need Vicious finding out about this. I took my cigarette from my mouth and burned his forehead.

"What the hell, man!?," I nodded in satisfaction that this guy wasn't dead.

"Glad you're up," I stood up, flicking my cigarette.

"Who the fuck are you?," He rubbed his forehead before sitting up, keeping his eyes on me.

"That don't fucking matter. What matters is how you talked to my girl up in your class," I leaned against the wall as he scrunched his face.

I was outside of Vicious classroom, because she forgot some of her notebooks,  and I listening to what this asshole was saying to her. I don't give a fuck how superior you feel, I'll be damned if someone talk to her like that.

"What girl?," he finally stood and I watched him carefully.


He scoffed and continued to rub his face, "So, you attack me over a girl who doesn't even care for her future-,"

"Watch what you say," I warned trying to keep my cool. He kept his eyes on me like he was plotting to take me out but, no matter what I'll always be one step ahead.

"Try some'," I challenged. I was curious to see if his ass was actually stupid enough to do anything but he just stood his ground.

Smart move.

"Now what?," He tucked his hands in his pockets.

I chuckled stepping in his personal space, "Fuck with her again, and I won't just give you a few hits and burns, nigga. Ight?"

I heard him gulp and he proceeded to nod his head. I shoved all his belongings into his chest and watched him scurry off somewhere.

I wasn't officially done with him yet. I took out my phone and texted one of my fathers closest friends and sending him an image of George Bohemian. I gave him brief but detailed instructions and left it at that.

I knew he would do me a solid favor simply because this man was like an uncle to me. I tucked my phone in my pocket and just huffed.

"Goofy niggas, I swear," I mumbled to myself as I walked out the alley and towards a coffee shop. I just was here to meet up with Akeem about something that he said he's been thinking about for a few days now.

Spotting his trendy, two colored dreads I walked over and sat down right in front of him, "Wassup."

"I beat her, Lucifer." I sat there confused as hell as I observed my best friends face.

His eyes were really red, and the pupils of his eyes were so dark. Something was off about my him and I waited for him to continue explaining his situation.

"I didn't mean for it to go that far but I just overheard their conversation and I-I—," he stopped and looked out the window, watching people pass by. They would look at me and Akeem probably think "What are a couple of thugs doing in a coffee shop up town?"

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