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Excuse the mistakes

Vicious Athena Foster

A few weeks later

"Yea, dad. I already took my finals," I spoke into the phone as I fixed breakfast for Winston and I.

Krystal left earlier to the health department to get some assistance for the baby. She's been comfortable staying with me. Not that I mind, I normally crashed with Winston at his place if we wanted some privacy.

I mean it was cool to have another friend besides Nicole, who've I haven't seen in a while. She came last week to have girl time but it ended up into a disagreement because of who I decided to be in a relationship with. Saying Winston is nothing but bad luck and years of cursing depression.

I decided to let her be just so she could cool off. I mean we've been friends since I've attended NYU as a freshman. I can see where my time being consumed with my relationship would make her feel jealous or something.

Still talking to my dad I decided to leave out the fact I barely have been going to classes because of the lack of motivation and the last encounter with Mr. Bohemian.

Not much of the fact of me receiving any embarrassment with my teacher but more so the fact he knows my boyfriend beat him up.

"So you should be coming home for the holidays? You know Maibelle hasn't seen you in a long time, Athena," My foster dad, Logan, said.

Logan and Maibelle were kind people, way older than my biological parents. Logan was past a middle aged white man. He came from Alabama but stayed here in New York after he fell in love with my foster mom, Maibelle.

They don't know what I did to my biological parents. Only the incident of my little sister. They have sheltered me with a lot of love and protection and it was cool but I wanted something— something not from them though.

They refused to call me by my first name cause they said it didn't define who I was. It didn't fit "me" as they described. Following them, Winston and I tried that since we're trying to grow.

"How is mom?," I stirred the cup of coffee and sat it in front of Winston who just came into the kitchen shirtless, exposing his designed chest.

Kissing the top of my head he fixed our plates, and sat them down at the table.

"She's fine. Just misses you that's all. We both do," He confesses.

"Stop pouting, dad. I'll be home this break," I say, looking at Winston, who sat now with a pout.

"Good. We can invite that Renee's son so you can—,"

"Actually dad, I'm dating someone right now," I cut him off, staring at Winston as I sipped my coffee.

It was more than dating. I'm in love with him, Logan! Is what I wanted to say.

Lifting a brow, Winston gave me the stankest face, "Girl you love me," he mouthed as he dug into his food.

Rolling my eyes I continued my conversation with my dad, "How long have you've been seeing this fellow?"

"About to be four months," I told only for Winston to shake his head, "Correction, five months," I said as Winston held his thumbs up.

"Well, why don't you bring the gentleman?— he is a gentleman right?"

Getting caught off guard, I sat my coffee down, "I—uh, yea he's a great guy dad but no."

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