♥♥♥ Axel x Diana Blaze (Twin brother-sister) (2) (part 1) ♥♥♥

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Diana was on her way to find her twin bother and as soon as she gets where she needs to be total hell gets loose when as she sees Axel all dirty and out of breathe nearly passed out but till making the move they need 

Diana was on her way to find her twin bother and as soon as she gets where she needs to be total hell gets loose when as she sees Axel all dirty and out of breathe nearly passed out but till making the move they need 

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As soon as he lands Kevin and Nathan cheer for him but Axel looses his balance and collapses making the guys run to him freaked out

As soon as he lands Kevin and Nathan  cheer for him but Axel looses his balance and collapses making the guys run to him freaked out

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Nathan: AXEL
Kevin: HE'S DEAD
Axel: No I'm okay *says as the guys reach him and lift him to his knees*
Diana gasps and goes to them on the run, kneeling before him panicked

Axel: *looks up and sees Diana* Diana, what are you doing here?

Diana: I came to give Evans my answer after he invited me to join the team and to get you home. What is all of this shit?
Kevin: Well out captain's grandfather left a notebook where this move was written in some dead language and we were trying to help Axel do his part of the training
Diana: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? I SAID LOOK AFTER HIM AND DON'T DO SHIT WHILE I'M GONE. NOT BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM LIKE THERE IS NO TOMOROW *yells out while Axel's grabs her before she can jump on Kevin in an anger fit*

Axel: *sighs* relax i wanted to do this, i made the choice on my own.

Diana turns to him and narrow her eyes as she puts her hands on his shoulders and squeezes them with her nails, diging them in as punishment

Axel gulps as he lets out sounds of pain.
Kevin: okay, i know this looks bad...
Nathan: very bad.
Kevin: *sends a glare to Nathan* not helping.

Diana: Next time you get that idea stuck in your head, kick it out and remember who's waiting for you at home worried out of their mind for you. You aren't born alone in this word and as far as I remember I'm not the older one because I kicked you out to make sure of that *half jokes before moving her arms around his neck amd pressing her lips to his cheek, kissing it several times*

Axel: *sighs knowing she's right and blushes lightly* I know but you know i can't let the team down. *wraps his arms around her as well standing up better*

Diana: Oh Axel when will you realize that faith is all you need in times like this. Plus you're not alone in this not anymore *says as she moves her hands to cup in cheecks and caresses them with her fingers*

Axel: your right, again.

Kevin: You finally did it after all, you know that right?
Axel: Oh no. Not yet I didn't. We're only third of the way there actually
Nathan: But that's the hardest part over. We can do this. I'm sure of it

Diana smiles and stands up as she lends him her hands to help him get up

Axel: thanks Diana.
Nathan: not be rude but who is she? *aks his team mates and friends*
Kevin oh right, you've never seen or heard of her before.
Axel: Nathan, this is my twin sister Diana. Sis this is Nathan.
Nathan: TWIN SISTER?!! I didn't even know you had one. *yells shocked*
Axel: thats becuause only half of team knows.

Diana: Yeah well we have a younger sister as well but that topic is for another time. Back to present time, I'll be your new team member. I was thinking of declining but after seeing these out of control circus drills I decided to stay so I can have a better way to look after my twin's fine ass *says as she slaps him on the said place*

Axel: *narrows his eyes while also blushing darker* well that's good news to hear.
Kevin and Nathan: *share a look* OOHH

That's when Mark runs over to them with the rest of the ream and the managers Celia and Silvia after hearing the word "new member"

Mark: whoa, woah, woah. What was that about a new member?
Axel: my twin sister will be joining the team.
Kevin: yeah, to watch after Axels fine ass *jokes and teases Axel*
Nathan: *snickers*
Axel sends Kevin a "shut up" glare.

Diana shakes Marks hand who pulls her in a bone crushing hug instead, madly happy to find out she decided to accept his offer

the others chuckle and smile watching them.
Mark: Welcome to the team Diana.
Celia: now your gonna win for sure.
Silvia: *nods agreeing* with her in the team we can't lose. *grins*
Nathan: we have to wait and see but...
Kevin: sins Diana IS Axels twin she must be as good if not better then him.
Axel: Hey!! *feels offended*

Suddenly Axel realizes how close and tight Mark is holding Diana as his overprotective side kicks in

Axel: *narrows his eyes and walks over to them* Okay, let go of my sister Mark. *sends him a look telling him he's serious*
Mark sees it and lets go of Diana looking at Axel and raises his arms in surrender.

Diana on the other hand smiles and moves in her brother's arms, pressing kisses to his chin with closed eyes while the others give him a confused look, wondering what made him snap all of a sudden which gave them a hint of a bit more then brother-protector and all

Axel smiles and calms down in a second and hugs his sister close to him while everyone shares confused looks
after a while they shrug and turn back to Brother and sister

Diana: Ready to go home? Looks to me like you could use a good night's sleep, so we can be fresh for training tomorow

Axel: *nods* you bet i am. I could definitely use a good night's sleep. *keeps his arms wrapped around her*

Diana: Looks like I will be playing nurse tonight also since young a bit bloody from all that jumping around like a monkey *says while taking one of his hands in hers after he gets his jacket on a grabs his gym bag*

Axel: I wouldn't want any ells taken care of me. *smiles at her squeezing her hand as he starts walking and leading them home*
the team: see ya later you two. *call after that*
Axel: *uses his free arm to wave at his team mate* Later guys.

Diana: Sweet dream yells back as she takes Axel hame and pushes his in the shower while she strips to her bra and panties before laying down on the king si\ed bed as her brother comes back in the room*

the moment he enters the room he cant take his eyes off of Diana's body

Diana's eyes also get locked on his body as he walks over to the bed and changes in a pair of boxers

Axel: *feels her also looking at him and smirks* Like what you see cuss i know i am loving what i see.

Diana smiles and reaches head hands forward while laying down, begging silently for him

Axel smiles and obeys walking over and laying down beside her

Diana rolls on her side wraps her arms around his neck, as she gets pulled flat against his body in return

Axel smiles and wraps his arms around her and starts placing kisses all over her face

Diana giggles and does the same to him face to hide the blush he created all over hers, making sure to leave lipstick marks everywhere she can reach

Axel chuckles as well pulling her even closer if possible

Diana: Good night Big brother *kisses his chin as she closes her eyes and falls asleep on the spot, loving the feeling of his arms around her like they are every night ever since they were born*

Axel:*smiles and thinks* i love the feeling of having her fall asleep in my arms,from now on and i'm never going to be apart from my sister thanks to herjoining the team. I'm so happy she's joining us but i am going to keep my eyeson my team mates i don't want anyone taking her away from me, i'll stick evenmore to her side like glue. Who knows we'll make a great duo. *smiles, kissesher forehead and whispers* good night my dear sister. *places another kiss onher forehead before falling asleep with a smile on his face*

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now