The Games Part 2

The pair woke up on different sides of the arena. Alice wishes that she had some way she could find Alex before he was killed. Alex, on the other hand, listened to his heart and followed the way it was saying.

Alice went hunting, finding a few tributes on the way. She either killed them or badly injure them. Grabbing a bow from a recently killed tribute Alice walked on, she was slowly losing her emotions. Alice wasn't sad or happy that she killed, nor did she feel guilty.

It was the games. Only one makes it out alive, that was either going to be her or Alex. Using the bow she killed a rabbit and cooked it over a small fire.

Alice couldn't help but think what her family would think of her right now. A monster? Demon? Or perhaps an empty body where think daughter or sister once lived.

A tear fell down Alice's face but she was quick to wipe it away. Eating her meal quickly knowing that nightfall was quick to come.

Saving some of the rabbit she placed the meat into her bag and climbed a tree. Watching the falling come up on the sky she watched as the tributes showed up.

District 1: Male

District 2: Male

District 9: Female

District 10: Male

Both Alex and Alice smiled to themselves knowing that the other was alive and well. While Alex kept looking for Alice, Alice was falling asleep.

THE GAMES PART 3 (Four Days Later.)

Only one other has died, the girl from two. Alex knew he was going to find her.

"Good Afternoon Tributes. Each and every one of you needs something. There will be a feast held in two hours at the cornucopia."

Alex laughs to himself before muttering, "Wow they really want it to be over already."

Alice smiled to herself knowing that she'll be able to see Alex.

<Two hours Later>

Alice sat in the bushes and watched as the girl from four killed the boy from eight. The girl ran off into the forest and Alice watched as the girl from eight came and took the product needed.

Alice grabbed her bow and shot an arrow into her heart. Alice then walked into the clearing to grab the number of her district.

When she got to the bag she heard a voice she been dying to hear for the longest time.

Running into his arms she smiles. Kissing him as so as she was in his arms. All the fears she had were gone. After the short embrace they grab their stuff and walk back to Alice's camp. They laid in each other's arms for the longest time.

They heard a noise coming from the bushes beside them. Grabbing their weapons they make their way to the bush.

The girl from four came out of nowhere and tried to hit Alice but she was to slow and Alice blocked her hit.

The girl from four backed away gaining her strength back she decided to attack again. Alice and the girl fight for what seems like hours, the girl pushes Alice to the ground and goes to stab her.

Alice waits to embrace death and to join her brother but it never came. Instead, Alice opened her eyes and saw Alex with a knife in his stomach.

"No." Alice says with tears forming in her eyes, "Don't leave me, Alex."

Alex rubs his fingers over her cheek with a small smile. The girl from four got away.

"It's my time to go Alice," Alex kisses her,

"No it isn't, you shouldn't have gotten in the way." She yells at him crying, "Please don't leave me, Alex."

"I'm sorry Alice." He smiles and looks into her eyes one last time, "I love you Alice. Move on from me."

"I love you too Alex. May we meet again." She looks down and sees that he was gone, she closes his eyes. Crying, Alice looks away from his body.

Alice's sadness soon turns into anger and she grabs her sword and dagger

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Alice's sadness soon turns into anger and she grabs her sword and dagger. Standing up she runs into the direction the girl went in.

The girl from four knew she was dead but didn't know when she would die. It seems like forever when she finally found the girl.

Alice knocks her unconscious and tied her up to a tree, waiting for the girl to wake up Alice's anger grows even more. Her first love was just killed in front of her, she going to get justice for him.

An hour later the girl wakes up confused on where she is. When she makes eye contact with Alice she shakes her head making Alice smirk. "Please don't kill me."

Alice darkly laughs," I won't kill you.." The girl let out a sigh of relief, "Yet."

Grabbing her dagger she cuts the girls arm making the girl scream.

Alice laughed at the girls' screams and continue to do it until she got tired and stabbed the girl in the stomach

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Alice laughed at the girls' screams and continue to do it until she got tired and stabbed the girl in the stomach. Watching the life leave the girls eyes Alice smiled and dropped the knife.

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I present the winner of the 72 hunger games. Alice May!"

Alice felt something go off in her arm and she slowly fell to the ground with one thought on her mind.

She won the games.

This chapter was sucky and sad. I am not the biggest fan of writing kids death but I had to soooooo hope you enjoy!

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