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It's been a week since Phil was in his temporary coma, ever since then they have became best friends. They both are slowly trying to fix themselves, but there's a secret they both can't let anyone know. It's breaking them.

"Hey Dan!" Phil says, startling dan who in i front of him and turning from his locker to look at Phil. "Phil! Jesus, don't scare me so much..." Dan says kind of smirking.

Phil smiles but he looks like he is in pain. Dan knows the feeling. He knows Phil isn't happy at the moment. "Are you okay?" Dan questions, tilting his head the slightest bit, frowning a little while holding his backpack strap.

Phil's painful smile turns into a blank expression, staring at Dan. "Oh.. Yeah. I am. Why would you ask?" Phil replies while gripping his hands tightly on the inside of his sweater pocket.

"I Uhm.. I don't know, you look upset-"

"I'm not Dan! I'm okay!" Phil cuts off dan sentence right before patting him on the head lightly a few times, making Dan squint and shrug a bit. Phil smiles as they both walk towards the class they have together.

"So uh... Today's the start of pride month," Phil Whispers breaking the couple second silence.

Dans face starts to feel like it's cringing and becoming stiff as his eyes widen a bit. He tries to act like he didn't know. "Oh. That's cool..."

"But since our country sucks, we don't celebrate it.. ugh." Phil says as he starts to make that painful face again but without frowning..

Dan knows he shouldn't ask this, but he's too curious. "Phil?"

"Yes Dan?"

"Why are you so... I don't know, enthusiastic about Pride and stuff?" Dan says looking at Phil as they walk.

Phil looks like he has been put in the most uncomfortable situation. Dan made Phil feel awkward.

"I mean- I- I don't know?.. Didn't you say you supported it too?" Phil questions I'm embarrassment.

"Ah. Yeah! I do! It's just rare to find another person who does." Dan answers.

"Yeah, one day I'm gonna get out of this hell hole." Phil says in an enthusiastic voice, smiling.

Dan and Phil go to their seats in art class and put their bags on the back of their chair.

"Hello class! Going to be doing attendance, Phillip?"

"Here." Phil answers putting his hand up, then back down.

"Alex?" The teacher calls out. "Mk.. I guess there is no Alex today." He says as he puts an X beside his name.

He isn't here? He probably got in trouble. Dans mind says to himself.

Phil and Dan both look at each other for a few seconds.

"Daniel?" The teacher says loudly. No answer. He moves his head over to see Dan staring at Phil.

"DANIEL?" The teachers calls once again. Dan quickly looks at the teacher as his cheeks turns to a light shade of pink, "h-here!"

The teacher gives Dan a frightening look. "You two love birds can look at each other later." He says, making the whole class laugh at both Dan.

"Hahaha!!" From the left, "HAHAA" from the right. It's everywhere. Can't believe he just exposed my illegal shit head. Dan starts to get watery eyes. Phil from across the room can't help but look at Dan in a sad face. The poor guy. I know how he feels.

Before dan knows it, he's storming out of the classroom in rage. Right as he is about to open to class door, some yells "Where are you going? Are you gonna go cry to your daddyyyy for help and pray for him to give you a smooch? Maybe even your dead mom if you're straight enough." Dan freezes for a moment, then slamming the door open and running down the hall.

"Dan!!" Phil yells.

"Aw does the other gay head wanna go look for his boyfriend? Ha! The cops are gonna love to hear this." A random girl shouts.

Phil doesn't care what that person says. "Yeah,
I'm gonna look for my FRIEND. If you have a problem, then you can stay the hell away from us if you don't like it." Phil says right before running out the door, chasing Dan.

Phil can't begin to imagine the possibilities if He doesn't catch up to Daniel.

Dan swings the doors open and turns the corner. Shit.

Phil tries to pick up his paste even though he isn't athletic, and he can barely breathe. "Dan!"

Phil reaches the front door, and sees Dan going into the room that has stairs, leading into the roof. Oh no.

"DAN NO! PLEASE!" Phil shouts. As Dan opens the door with only stairs inside, phil trips and scrapes his knee. "Shoot!" He yells.
No.. I won't let you do this!!

Phil gets up and runs again, but limping a bit due to his bleeding knee. He slams the door open and runs up the stairs.

SHIT! Phil's mind jeers as he trips on the stairs, hitting his shoulder and arm. Dan please hold on a little longer...

He struggles to lift himself up, but thankfully he's almost at the top. Once he gets up, he slowly opens the door, scaring himself with images of what could've already happened.
He opens it all the way, to see Dan on the edge of the roof. Immediately, phil starts to cry. "DAN!" Phil yells,

"Dan please don't-" Phil says walking over to Dan slowly.

"No.. please- Phil! Why would you follow me over here!? I'm a waste! This is what I need to do. It's for the best..." Dan says, as his face is red from crying.

Phil's head hurts from all the words and images running through his mind right now.

"It was nice meeting you Phil..." Dan says getting read to fall back,

"Dan! Why are you letting them bother you!?? Huh? What they're saying isn't true, why should it matter!?" Phil yells.

Dan stays still as the tears roll down his cheeks. "No- phil..."

"What do you mean?.." Phil's heart is racing. He is so scared that any second Dan is gonna jump.

"Phil- I- it's true.

"What's true??" Phil's heart pumps even faster.

"I'm gay."

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