Chapter Five

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Laurens' POV:

There was blood everywhere on Alex. My breathing starts to quicken, as hot tears start falling down my face. I go to check his pulse, and I can barely feel one. I look over at Thomas, who has a hand over his mouth in shock. Thomas, the jock, the most popular kid in school, was crying over his enemy. "Thomas, you idiot, call an ambulance!" I scream. I can't lose Lexi, he means to much to me. I look down at his blood covered arms. It reminds me of things from High School...Things I'd rather forget.

"John?" I look up at Thomas, who was waving his hand in front of my face, trying to gain my attention. My vision was starting to get blurry.

"T-Thomas?" I say.

"John? John?! John?!" Is the last thing I hear until everything goes black.

Jefferson's POV:

The paramedics come in, and I explain to them what happened with Alexander. I offered to drive Laurens to the hospital because they didn't have enough room in the ambulance for him. When we get to the hospital, I make sure Laurens is being taken care of before I answer the questions they wanna ask me.

I explain how they're my soulmates, which doesn't really make sense to me, but they seem to get the idea of what i'm trying to say. They let me go to wait in the waiting room, so I decided to pass the time by texting my best friend, James Madison.

Tommy: Hey...

Jimmy_James: Hey!

Tommy: How's school going?

Jimmy_James: Eh...Who are your roommates?

Jimmy_James: I got Lafayette and Hercules

Tommy: Hamilton and Laurens

Jimmy_James: Oof, you got the cry baby and his boyfriend!

Jimmy_James: I saw Hamilton and told him a few things...Just like high school

Tommy: You did this to him...

Jimmy_James: Did what?

Tommy: You put my soulmate in the hospital!!!

Jimmy_James: What? Soulmate?

Tommy: How could I ever be friends with you?

I turn my phone off, tears streaming down my face. How could James do something like that? Why would he do something like that? The doctor comes out and says I can go get Laurens to sign him out and we both can go see Hamilton.

I walk into Hamiltons room after signing Laurens out. "Th-Thomas?" He looks so helpless in that hospital bed. Seeing him like his, makes me cry. I race over and hug him, not wanting to let go. I don't know what came over me, but I peck him on the lips. I see more colors flood my visions and I look over at Laurens, who has a giant grin on his face. I've met my soulmate...No, soulmates...

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