Chapter Eleven

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 James is coming over to my dorm to have another one of our "sessions". I don't even understand why he's doing this. Why to me, of all people? I hear a knock on the door and my heart starts to pound. The door opens...Thomas answers...If only he knew, I thought to myself.

"Why are you here, James?" I hear Thomas ask. I hope James realizes what he's doing is wrong and he stops...I just want him to leave.

"Me and Hamilton are working on a project together," James answers.

"He's in his room," Thomas is allowing him into the dorm. Not just into our dorm...Into my room. I run over to my bed, and hide under the covers, hoping this is just a dream. I hear the door to my room open, being closed and the door being locked. I feel James take the covers off of me, running his hands over my clothing up to my face...Feeling his lips on mine, hot tears streaming down my face. All I want to do I scream and fight him, tell him 'no', but I can't. I'm just a toy to him...I'm not a person anymore...

John's POV:

"Fuck, Alex..." Thomas says, banging his fists on the table. "He's cheating on us!"

"We don't know that," I say, trying to reason with him.

"He kissed someone, probably a girl...Are we not enough?!" Thomas was on the verge of tears.

"Thomas..." I go up and hug him. "Do you wanna go out and get your mind taken off things. Just as we are about to walk out the door we hear a sharp scream, followed by laughter. We know James and Alex like to crack jokes, so we didn't think twice. Besides, I was kinda pissed that Alexander might've cheated on us...But, something didn't feel right...

Why do I always make Alex the victim? Like...Omfg. I start school in like...Four days. Time for my life to get worse! Whoop! 8th grade is going to be lit

Also, sorry about the short chapter. I'm having really bad writers block for this one book, and idk why

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