Chapter Eight

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He smacks my John. "Um, Sir?" He turns to me.

"Yes?" How can this monster have John's pure, emerald green eyes?

"You have something on your face," I step towards him.

He gives me a puzzled look. I bring my fist up, and bring it down to his face.

"Oh, wait, it was just your ugliness!" Me and John sprint inside to try and find Alex. John's dad owned a pretty big house, but mines bigger...hehe. I check every room that was unlocked while John was on the phone with the police. There was one place I hadn't check, though. Alex's room. I open the door to see Alex sitting on the bed, clutching onto the baseball bat for dear life. "Alex!" I run and hug him.

"Thomas?" He asks, hugging back after a moment.

"What happened?" I ask.


*Flash Back*

Henry's POV:

I watched John walk into the school with Alex. I knew the day I sent Alexander off to that boarding school, I would see him again. He made John like this. I follow them to their dorm,

and see which number. On the outside or the dorm building there are numbers on the windows so you can tell which room number it is from the outside. I got to the window there room is and hide in the bushes. As I say, you can never be too safe...

I must've fell asleep, because it had gotten dark. I look through the window to see Alexander laying in the middle of two people. John and a taller male. Disgusting.

I go inside the building to John dorm and to my surprise, it's unlocked. I go into the bedroom the three are in and lean over the bed.

From what I remember Alexander is very light, so I should be able to pick him up with no problem. He will be the easiest.

I tap Alexander's head and walk out of the room.

As expected, he walked out. I grab him and walk out quietly. He tries to get out of my grip, but I keep a firm hold. I put him into the back of my car, and drive the few days it took back to my house.

*End Flash Back* 

Jefferson's POV:

Me and John where both shocked when we heard this. The judge was too. Alex said he couldn't even remember what happened that night. That was all they needed to know to find Mr. Laurens guilty. They put him in jail for 20 years. Accused for a Hate Crime and Kidnapping.

Soulmate AU (Jamilams)Where stories live. Discover now