Chapter Thirteen

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Hey! If you wanna stay updated on my story, and read some of my other stories, go check out my account and follow me! Go read my books "Magic" and "Different"

Me and James were walking to Charles Lee's dorm, and I was kinda scared. I've heard of what he did to people, and I know for a fact he isn't going to treat me any better. James wrapped his arm around my waist, making me stop walking. Lucky for me, I stopped in the right place. "Here we are, hammy," I start to panic on the inside as we step closer and closer to the door. He knocks on the door, and the anxiety fills me. I hear the creak of the door and I hide behind James, like he's my protector...Because he can protect me from

"Madison," I hear Charles, and I grab onto James for comfort. My mind is screaming to stop, and that James is bad, but I don't.

"Lee," James nods his head.

"Where is he?"

"Right here," He steps aside to show me. Charles walks up to me, looking up and down at me. "Cutie, isn't he?" James says, lifting my chin. I feel slightly uncomfortable with them both looking at me.

"Gorgeous..." Charles says, grabbing my wrists. He digs into his pockets, probably looking for money. "Here,"

"Don't hurt him too bad," James says, giving me a hug and kiss. I whimper, not wanting to do this.

Charles pulls me inside and closes the door. "Hey there, baby girl," He purrs. I blush a bit at the name. He puts his hand up and I flinch. "Shh, i'm not going to hurt you," He says, gently. I slightly relax, but I keep my guard up.

He picks me up and brings me to the couch. He holds me close, like i'm a baby and even the lightest of breezes can hurt me. He looks me in the eyes, caressing my cheek. "Do you trust me," I nod, and he smirks. He brings his lips to mine and the night went on from there. Unlike James, he asked for my consent...I was okay with it...And when he was finished, I didn't feel dirty, like I did when I was with James. I liked Charles more then James, but I realized that this was just a one time thing, unless he asks for me again. Which I doubt. If James finds out I like Charles more than him, he's going to punish me. Right now, though, I rather not think about that stuff. I just want to feel Charles' embrace.

Oooooh, turning point in Charles' personality. I feel like, in most stories, people make Charles this bad guy, so I feel like I should've done this, to make him a "good guy" for once. Not that what he did was good or anything, but he treated HamHam better than James has. Also, please go follow me and check out my other stories!! Hehe

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