Chapter 5

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"Can you please wait outside in the waiting room while I run some tests?" October asked Michael and Jordyn.

"Yes of course but do you know if she'll be OK?" Michael asked as Jordyn rolled her eyes and left the room.

"Well, I won't know for sure until you leave the room so I can run some tests!" October replied with irritation. With that, Michael left the room.

Once he entered the hallway he looked at all the chairs searching for his wife. Deciding that she probably went outside to take a breather, he went outside to look for her but when he looks for his car he sees that it is gone.

"Well looks like I'm stranded." He decided to head back in. He looked at his phone. The time said it was 23:27 (11:27). Realizing he hadn't eaten in a couple hours so he decided to walk to the nearest McDonald's. Walking inside He saw Adilyn's father with a chick he's never seen before. Wasn't he dating a brunette just last week ago? Michael brushed the thought aside and went to order. He ordered himself a double cheeseburger and a large coke.

"Hey, man long time no see!" An all to familiar voice said from behind me.

"Wassup Josef! How have you been man?" I said while doing our old handshake from when we were younger.

"Amazing man! How about you what's new? How is Jordyn and Adilyn?" Adilyn... I almost forgot about Addie.

"She fell out of a tree and she's currently in the hospital. The doctors said this could be very serious. Addie can't really walk right now." I explained to Josef. I was Kind of scared since this was her father after all.

"What do you mean she fell out of a tree?! How could you let this happen to her?"

"I'm sorry it's just Jordyn was being really mean to her and so Addie tired to run away. She climbed a tree and when I called out for her she got startled and she fell. I promise that's all that happened."

" I don't even know why her uncle signed her over to you! I mean no offense man but your parenting skills are TERRIBLE!" Josef said while laughing. He's one to talk, he barely even spoke to Addie or her mom when she was his, but that's none of my business. 🐸☕ "

"Order number 349! Large coke and a double cheeseburger!" The cashier had said.

"That's me! Nice talking to you man. Have a good evening!'

Josef just laughed.

Michael heads out of McDonald's and heads back to the hospital. This is going to be a long night he thought to himself. He ate and slowly went to sleep.

*********************************************************************************************** "Excuse me Mr. Clifford" October had asked. I can't believe she had the nerve to wake me up.

"Yes, Mrs. Hernandez?"

"It's Ms. Hernandez! Anyways looking back at her MRI, Adilyn has a broken leg and a knee that was popped out of its socket. She will have to wear a cast for 3 months and she'll have to walk on crutches, however, even when she is off of the cast, I still want her in the crutches for another week or to just to be safe. She is currently allowed visitors but she is sleeping. She is in room 307. H-" I didn't even care about what she had to say. I sped right past her straight into room 307." When I got there Adilyn was sleeping but she looked uncomfortable, almost as if she was having a nightmare. The only reason Michael knew that she wasn't having one was because she wasn't breathing as fast as she normally does.

Michael slowly walked over to the bed and leaned down in her ear.

"I'm sorry." However, he wasn't talking about the current situation they were in.

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