Landmines And Landslides

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A/N: I wrote this about 9 years ago on - so it's a little old. I just want to move my stories to here. I'll understand those who don't like my story. It's older but I hold it dear to my heart.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

The title of the chapter is the name of the song I was listening to when I was doing my final proof reading. I'll be doing that for all the chapters.

Landmines & Landslides is the title of this chapter and is a song by Less Than Jake. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter One: Landmines & Landslides

Seto sat at his desk rereading the letter that came in the mail. It was quite a shock, he was sure that he was going to have a few more years before he would have to face them. That's right; Seto knew about his younger sisters, he never forgot about them. He could remember everything from their last day together at the orphanage.

It was a sunny day, but the wind made it slightly chilly. The two girls sat on their beds, heads down, next to their suitcases. A woman stood at the door.

"Now girls, this is going to be great for the two of you. I understand that you're going to miss your brothers but it just hard to adopt four kids to one family. It's going to be easier if you split. but you can always keep in touch." She stated. "Now grab your bags, it's almost time to go."

Seto was too young back then to stop the seperation. His sisters were relocated to an orphanage in New Jersey where there was a couple known to be looking for two kids to adopt. After Mokuba and him were adopted he tried to get his foster father to adopt his sisters from the orphange, however they were already adopted. Once his foster father passed on, he tried to contact his sisters' adopters, to ask if they could come to live with him. The couple answered him back with a letter saying that they didn't think it was such a great idea. The twins were happy living there and didn't need to know that they had brothers who still remembered them.

Seto didn't like the answer he had gotten and tracked his sisters throughout the years. He managed to keep up with his sisters activies in school and their lives. He knew that in sixth grade Sahirah had joined the art club at her school, and even helped out in the school play that year. Meanwhile, Katrina had joined the S.W.E.E.P program at the school, which raised money for building small gardens and places for students to relax around the school yard.

Sahirah continued with her art throughout her middle school career and in return Katrina stayed with her S.W.E.E.P program, and even joined the soccer team. They were obviously smart, for they had A and B grades, which made him proud to have such smart siblings. However in high school Sahirah dropped the art club and Katrina's grades dropped, and quit everything she was in. Sahirah's grades stayed where they were but Katrina seemed to be going downhill, and that worried Seto.

He tried to find out through the computer what exactly had happened to cause this change in his sister, the only thing he could find in the news around that time was that three boys had gotten into a very bad accident, leaving two in a coma and one dead. The three of them went to the same school as his sisters, but the one who passed away had even come from the same orphange as the girls. He figured that was probably part of the reason, if not all of it.

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