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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Phenomenon is the title of this chapter and is a song by Thousand Foot Krutch. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Fifteen: Phenomenon

Marik leaned over Katrina and shook her lightly. He had already noticed that she did very well holding her liquor considering the garbage was empty and clean. "Katrina." He whispered.

Her blue eyes fluttered open for a moment before she closed them again.

"Come on sleepy head - it's time for school."

Katrina rolled over and snuggled into her pillow.

Marik smirked and grabbed onto her, rolling her back, which she tried to fight him but lost. "Come on!"

Katrina opened her eyes and glared at him. "No."

Marik raised a brow and then was suddenly struck with an idea. He lowered his face closer to Katrina's and paused about and inch way from her lips.

'He better not do what I think he's going to do.' She thought to herself as she lifted her head a little bit to close the distance, but as she did this Marik lifted back up. 'Yeah, I knew it. Jerk.'

Marik almost laughed at the face she made, it held disappointment. "What's wrong?" He asked, but she ignored him. He laughed and stood up before ripping the covers away from her. "Up!"

Katrina made a pitiful attempt to keep the blanket but clearly lost. She sat up quickly to try snatching it away - but suddenly she felt dizzy and she felt like she was hit by a bus. She slammed her head back into the pillow and closed her eyes as she whined.

"Headache?" Marik asked as he dropped the blanket on the floor behind him. "Well that's what you get for drinking." He stated after Katrina nodded her head. He grabbed the Advil from the nightstand and handed it to her. "Take these - they should help."

Katrina grabbed the pills and the glass of water he passed her before chugging the medicine down. She then handed the glass back to him and waited for him to place it down safely. When he started to turn his attention back to her is when she made her move. She threw herself at him, tackling him over, and pressing her lips to his. She felt that same heart stopping pain she felt the night before.

Marik was surprised at first, but then kissed her back. When she pulled back with a smile he looked at her confused. "Well what was that all about?"

"No one gets away with teasing me." She answered.

He smirked at her and laughed. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

He shook his head at her and stood up. "Get ready for school, we leave in a few minutes." He stated.

Katrina nodded her head and got changed after he left the room. She couldn't help but wonder where Marik and herself stood. Sure she cared about him, but why did he kiss her last night? Why did he let her kiss him today? Great, now she was more confused now then she was before. She'd just have to ask him and that was final. Katrina brushed her hair and looked into the mirror before leaving the room.

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