Through Struggle

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Through Struggle is the title of this chapter and is a song by As I Lay Dying. I don not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Five : Through Struggle

Sahirah rolled out of bed and dressed for school. She brushed her hair and decided to pull it back into a bun today. As she left her room she saw Katrina leaving hers. "Good morning." She greeted.

Katrina looked at her. "Morning."

Sahirah smiled, thankful that Katrina no longer seemed to be angry with her. The two of them walked down the stairs together and entered the kitchen.

Seto and Mokuba were already in their seats at the table.

"G'morning sisters." Mokuba smiled.

Sahirah and Katrina took a seat at the table and did the same morning routine.

When Sahirah and Katrina got to school Seto sent them to the front office to get their uniforms. "I don't like this top, I think it hugs me too tight." Sahirah said through the changing curtain. She slipped her shoes on and stepped out. "What do you think?" She asked and she turned a little for Katrina.

"Looks fine to me." The older twin answered before stepping into the changing area. Sahirah took a seat on one of the plastic chairs against the wall. "Oh hell no." She heard Katrina mutter out loud.

"Something wrong?" She called out.

"I'll show you in a minute. I'm getting the top on." She answered.

A moment later she stepped out. "This skirt is too short." She pointed out.

Sahirah looked at her. "I think that's how it's suppose to be." She replied.

"Well I don't like it." Katrina growled.

Sahirah laughed. "Of course you don't. I've seen you wear a skirt maybe twice in your life." She managed to giggle out.

"Oh yeah, laugh it up. I can't wait til some pervert looks up your skirt when you're going up the stairs." Katrina smirked as her sister abruptly stopped laughing and started blushing.

"Oh god, why did you say that?" She asked not expecting an answer.

Katrina gathered her other clothes and put them in the bag she was given and kept them behind the front office desk where Sahirah and her could collect them at the end of the day. Stepping out into the hallway she looked up to see Seto waiting for them. "What do you think?" She asked.

He looked them over. "Not bad. Tomorrow make sure you both wear shorts under your skirts, today will be interesting to you both though." He smirked at Sahirah fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

Katrina looked over to her sister. "Don't worry about it. Act normal and maybe no one will bother." She snapped.

"Well have fun, see you both later." Seto started walking down the hallway.

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