Sound Effects And Overdramatics

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Sound Effects and Overdramatics is the title of this chapter and is a song by The Used. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Seven: Sound Effects and Overdramatics

For some reason today just seemed to drag, but at the same time is was a huge blur. The car ride to school even seemed to take longer, but at the same time it didn't. Sahirah sat in her fifth period literature class with Yugi and Jou as Mrs. Marley stood at the front of the class with a large book open in her arms. Today the class was supposed to research a topic of interest from one of the two subjects of beliefs or myths the previous night for homework. The subject Sahirah picked was Bloody Mary.

A few rows over a boy stood at his desk talking about the Greek Olympic Games, where it was believed that men from all over Greece would gather every four years in Elis. The Olympic Games were held to honor the Greeks Gods. The boy's voice dragged out each sentence as if he had no interest in the Games at all.

"Thank you. Sahirah, will you share your findings?" Mrs. Marley called upon the gray eyed teen.

Sahirah stood at her desk but kept her notes on her desk. "I chose the belief of Bloody Mary. Back in the United States they believe that this woman would come from the mirrors and kill you if your performed a certain ceremony in the bathroom. The real Bloody Mary became the queen and was hated all over for changing the religion in England from Protestant to Roman Catholic. She had mass-murdered over 100 Protestant leaders, which earned her the name in which she is now known as."

"Thank you, next can we have Yuki."

Sahirah took her seat and went on listening to the other students whose projects went from Nessie the monster in the Loch Ness river to the Titans, from Vampires to Jou's report on Werewolves.

"They're supposed to be humans that transform into these strong wolf-like creatures during the full moon. They don't get along with vampires, and silver is the only thing that can hurt them." The blonde haired boy explained with much enthusiasm.

There seemed to be a lot of students who favored to look up Gods such as Helios and Zeus and others preferred the famous Hercules and Achilles. Sahirah listened to each of them, trying to picture each of them, even when one girl spoke about ghosts and haunting.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but when you did your research did you read about the ghost that are so attached to an object that they bound their souls to?" Another student asked the one girl.

"No." The one giving the presentation stated. "Please tell, I'm interested."

The second student stood. "It's said that sometimes while someone is alive they will have one object that they can never part with, they value it with their lives. It's usually something they feel that can never be replaced. Once they pass on they supposedly are so attached to the object that they can't bare to part with it during the passing and so they bond their soul to it and live on through their beloved possession."

"That's an interesting story Leon. We only have time for one more... how about Rache." Mrs. Marley called on the last student.

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