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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Rain is the title of this chapter and is a song by Breaking Benjamin. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Thirteen: Rain

Sahirah sat on the bench on the back porch. A sketchpad was in her lap, her hand moved in swift movements. The normally brown haired boy sat next to her, now with blue hair. Neither of them said anything to each other for a moment.

"I don't think I ever see you without a sketchpad, a book or a camera in your hands." He noted.

She turned her head to look at him. "That's not true."

He laughed. "Well, for the most part it's true."

She blinked twice, noticing his hair. "Your hair matches your eyes today."

"Yeah, I thought blue would look good." He laughed again.

The back door opened and a brown haired woman stepped out and smiled at them. "Hello Thomas. Nice hair, I like it a lot better than the green."

"Thanks Mrs. Gordon." He grinned at her.

"Would you two like some cookies? I just made some."

"I'd like some. Thanks Mom." Sahirah stated.

"Of course I want some. You make the best cookies around." The boy answered.

"You're just saying that." The woman laughed and went back into the house.

Across the yard Katrina was playing a one on one soccer game with Mike, while Josuke was helping fix the shed door.

"Your mom is so awesome." Tom stated.

Sahirah smiled at him. "Yeah, she's pretty cool."

"The coolest!" Mrs. Gordon stated as she walked out onto the porch with a tray of cookies and drinks.

Thomas stood from the bench and walked over to her. "Let me help you with that." He stated.

Sahirah looked back across the yard and watched Katrina parade around after scoring a goal against the blonde haired boy. "You cheated!" She could hear Mike complaining. She could hear her sister laugh in response.

"Here's your drink." The blue haired boy handed her a glass of milk.

"Thanks Tom." Sahirah took it and placed it on the arm of the chair.

"Kids, I made cookies!" announced, grabbing their attention. Soon enough the three teenagers in the yard came running over to the porch.

"Julie. Shouldn't you have made lunch first?" Mr. Gordon asked as he reached the porch steps.

The hazel eyed woman laughed. "Oh Tug, darling, I'm the cool one. I do things backwards."

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