The Fuck?

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Me and Joshua arrived at the park and sat down facing each other, I stared into his eyes and held his hands

"I never thought I'd say this but I-

"Shut the fuck up" an unfamiliar, soldier type voice shouted

I heard a couple bangs and screams, a female voice crying out for help and then silence, I got up from where I was sitting and walked to where I heard the shouting and screaming coming from I hide behind a tree and lean to one side trying to look and figure out what was going on and then it hit me

I saw a man punching and kicking the poor girl who seemed lifeless sprawled across the floor, I could see a pool of blood forming and it made me feel sick to my stomach, Joshua was looking at the same horrific site as me, he looked mad

"Leave her alone" I said as I moved from behind the tree, the man looked up at me and smiled showing all his teeth

As I got closer I realised it wasn't a man, it was a boy and I recognised the face of the female lying on the floor unconscious

"Joshua, call an ambulance quickly she's not moving" I whispered loudly so he could hear me

"Miah" I looked down at her body, she looked defeated I could tell she tried to fight back because I could see the bruises on the boy's face, once he heard police sirens he disappeared

Police sirens were wailing in the distance getting closer and closer, once the paramedics got to us they rushed straight over to the body and lifted Miah up onto the stretcher "Is she gonna be alright?" I asked

"We can't be certain" a paramedic responded

"Well you need to be fucking certain be-

"Excuse me ma'am-

"Excuse you nothing. You better make sure she makes it out of that hospital alive, I'm telling you"

I slowly made my way over to Joshua "Can we go to the hospital? I feel as though I should be there for her"

"Yeah, me too" he said

We got into the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital as soon as we got there we contacted Paris, Tyler and Kai, they all came to the hospital even though Kai didn't know her, he came to support her and check up on me


We was all sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear the news on Miah, a doctor approached us "Are you the friends of Miah Wilson?"

"Yes we are" I stand up

"There's some good news and some bad news, the good news is Miah is recovering well. The bad news is she has to be heavily supervised we're going to have to keep her here for a week or two before she's allowed to be released"

"I'll notify her parents" Paris said taking out her phone and dialling Miah's parents numbers

"Hello Mrs. Wilson, Miah is in the hospital"


"Oh you know, okay, bye" Paris said and hung up

"We need to find out who that guy is" Tyler said

"I agree" Joshua said

Hooked: Good Intentions (YN)Where stories live. Discover now