Surprise Surprise

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"I just found out that I'm-I'm-I-I'm pregnant" I burst into tears

"You had sex?" she said

"Yeah, last week.. With Tyler" I stuttered

"When are you planning on telling him?" Yn asked rubbing my back

"Tomorrow at school"

After an hour of talking to Yn, I went home and got some sleep because tomorrow is going to be a big day it could go one of two ways.

I woke up and got ready to go to school, I sat awkwardly in the car with my brother Daniel, he didn't even ask me what was wrong he just left me to stare into space.

When I got to school I saw Tyler and my heart stopped, I stepped out of the car and walked nervously towards him.

"Hey" Tyler hugged me

"Hey, there's something I need to tell you can we go talk in private please?" I requested and pulled him into a corner

Tyler's POV:

"So what is it?"

"I'm pregnant" Paris said

When those words came out her mouth I froze

"You're pregnant?"

"I knew you would react like this" she said before running off down the hall

"Shit" I said and kicked a locker, blood slowly pooled on my knuckles.

Hooked: Good Intentions (YN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora