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Chris's POV:

I walked down the road towards my house as I was walking I heard shuffling and footsteps behind me, I didn't bother turning around cause shit like that don't phase me.

I was walking until some bastard hit me around the head and pushed me on the ground, the next guy pulled me into an alleyway and held a gun to my head

"This is the only way out" they said and pulled the trigger before leaving me there to bleed out

Yn's POV:

I was blasting music through my speakers until I heard gun shots

Fuck... Chris, what if something happened to Chris?

I rapidly put on some shoes and raced down the street

"Chris" I called multiple times but I got no response

I got out my phone and dialled Chris' number I was about to walk off until I heard his ringtone coming, I ran into the ill-lit alleyway

"Chris" I approached the bloody body

I looked at his face and panicked I took out my phone and called an ambulance

My heart sank when I saw Chris looking like that, I couldn't believe it, my mind wouldn't let me believe it. I kept telling myself that it wasn't real but I knew it was.

Hooked: Good Intentions (YN)Where stories live. Discover now