Don't Even Go There

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A/N I'm gonna start switching POVs more I just needed to get into the story first anyways

Joshua's POV:

"I'm just trying to help" I got up

"Well don't"

When she said that I lost it, what does she mean?

Instead of reacting I continued to baby her, but after a while she continued to make comments.

"Man, fuck this"

I took out my phone and dialled a couple digits "Hello"

"Yeah, where are you?"

"You're close iyte, I'm on my way"

I walked out the house and got straight into my car, I turned up the music and rolled down my windows, I needed the air.

There was loads of traffic so I took a short cut, I pulled up to the house and got out of the car

I buzzed her door number


"It's Joshua" I said

The door beeped and I opened it, I walked up to her floor and knocked on the door hesitantly, she opened the door in shorts and a tank top

"So, what brings you here?" she asked, allowing me to go inside

"My girl man, she's tripping" I said and sat down on the chair

"Oh, don't worry about her"

She climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck, she was grinding on me and trying to turn me on but it just wasn't working, she just ain't the one.

"Stop, stop, stop" I said and pushed her gently off of me

"What?" she asked, looking upset

"You're not doing it right"

I thought to myself for a moment and got up

"I've got to go"

Yn's POV:

I looked at myself in the mirror, ugh I looked disgusting, my eyes were red from crying and my hair was all over my face, I sighed.

I moved my hair out the way and washed my face. Why is this all happening at once?

I was also pissed off about the fact that Joshua walked out on me, ffs.

Maybe I shouldn't of reacted like that, but I didn't expect him to up and leave.

As I was fixing up myself, I heard a clicking sound.

"Hello, is anyone home?" Kai shouted

"Up here" I yelled

I waited for him to come upstairs and he knew straight away that something was wrong "What happened?"

I explained the whole story to him, I told him about how I found the woman with dad in mum and dad's bed and how I was unreasonably rude to Joshua, he pulled me into a hug and cradled me, all I could do was weep, what's wrong with me?

"It's alright, you've got me" he smiled, rocking back and forth

"Yeah, thanks for being here"

Kai put me on his back and went downstairs to turn on the TV, we flicked through the channels and left it on SpongeBob.

For some reason we were just cracking up, SpongeBob weren't even that funny but we managed to laugh hard, I guess we just needed something to smile about.

"I want popcorn, Kai go make me some" I pouted

Malakai walked into the kitchen and prepared popcorn, while I was giving the TV all my attention he came back.

"Thank you" I said reaching out

"This ain't for you"

I got up and stole his bowl

"Yes it is" I sat back down and ate the popcorn

"Rude" Malakai whispered

"Meh" I replied and carried on eating the popcorn and then the doorbell rang

Malakai got up and answered the door "What's up man?" he dapped his friend

His friend came in and sat beside me "Hey"

I giggled "Hey"

"I'm Chris"

"I'm Yn"

"Beautiful name to match a beautiful face" Chris highlighted

"Aye, she's my sister bro and she's got a boyfriend"

"We're not on speaking terms" I rolled my eyes thinking back to Joshua walking out on me.

"If I was your man, I'd never get mad at you" Chris claimed and I blushed

"Erm, thanks"

Then the doorbell rang, AGAIN

"I'll get it" I got up and walked to the door, I knew exactly who to expect.

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