Private Investigators Part 2

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Me and Malakai walked to Miah's parents house, we knocked a couple times and waited, the door opened

"Hello, I'm Yn and this is Malakai, we're friends of your daughter, Miah"

"Oh hello" Miah's mum said, she had puffy eyes and you could tell she'd been crying, her hair was messy she looked like she hadn't got any sleep at all, she invited us in "So what brings you here?"

"We wanted to know about Trey" Malakai said

When Malakai said Trey, Miah's mum's face changed completely, anger took over her

"Trey, he was an evil little bastard, only I saw it nobody else" Miah's mum yelled

"What do you mean" I asked, curious but clearly worried

"One day, I saw him" she trailed off towards the end

"Saw him what Mrs. Wilson, we need to know" I encouraged her to speak

"I saw him slap my little girl" with every word she said a tear trickled down her cheek

"Once?" Malakai asked

"Yes, however I'm sure it went on from there. But he always showered her with gifts and told her he loved her whenever he cheated on her"

"Thank you for your time Mrs. Wilson" I smiled

"Wait, don't leave he's here I can see him. Look over there" she whispered, pointing towards the bathroom

"Mrs. Wilson, there's nothing there" Malakai said

She shushed him and continued "He's there"

Me and Malakai looked at each other puzzled, we didn't understand. There was no one there. "Sorry Mrs. Wilson we have to go" I began

"Bye" Kai said and we walked out

"I'm not sure she's okay" I turned and faced Kai once we got out of Miah's house

"Let's just go down to the police station and give a statement" Malakai said, I nodded and we walked quietly to the police station, absorbing the information we just gathered.

Once we got there a police man greeted us and took us one by one into a room to record our statements

I told the police man everything I saw and heard that night and I told him about the continuous abuse

After we were interviewed and stuff we rushed out of the police station

"Kai" I said


"Can we go to McDonald's I'm starving"

We strolled to McDonald's together, once we got there I could not believe my eyes

"It's him" I whispered to Malakai

As I said that I felt eyes land on me, I tired around and there he was, Trey stared me up and down before being escorted out in handcuffs, I watched as he was forced into the police car and taken away

"I hope he rots in prison" I screamed, everyone looked at me and stared

"What are you looking at?" I screamed, tears streamed down my face as I remembered what happened on that night of Miah's attack


Me and Joshua arrived at the park and sat down facing each other, I stared into his eyes and held his hands

"I never thought I'd say this but I-

"Shut the fuck up" an unfamiliar, soldier type voice shouted

I heard a couple bangs and screams, a female voice crying out for help and then silence, I got up from where I was sitting and walked to where I heard the shouting and screaming coming from I hide behind a tree and lean to one side trying to look and figure out what was going on and then it hit me

I saw a man punching and kicking the poor girl who seemed lifeless sprawled across the floor, I could see a pool of blood forming and it made me feel sick to my stomach, Joshua was looking at the same horrific site as me, he looked mad

"Leave her alone" I said as I moved from behind the tree, the man looked up at me and smiled showing all his teeth

As I got closer I realised it wasn't a man, it was a boy and I recognised the face of the female lying on the floor unconscious

"Joshua, call an ambulance quickly she's not moving" I whispered loudly so he could hear me

"Miah" I looked down at her body, she looked defeated I could tell she tried to fight back because I could see the bruises on the boy's face, once he heard police sirens he disappeared

Police sirens were wailing in the distance getting closer and closer, once the paramedics got to us they rushed straight over to the body and lifted Miah up onto the stretcher

*Flashback ended*

I had lost my appetite and instead of ordering food for myself I ordered for Kai and never said a word on the way home, I was too traumatised to speak.

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