Perfection at its Finest

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It was cool, beautiful day in LA,California.The air was crisp and thick,blowing a cool autumn breeze.Though their half their lives were spent in the big city,a suburb just outside sunny Los Angeles was another story.

Matt Sallee sat in the porch chair,lean back as far as he could;drinking some ice tea and reading the paper.Their chocolate lab laid at his feet,panting and wagging his tail as he watched the two girls in the grass.

Matt admired their toddler in Kirstie's arms.Her mixed skin reminded him of milk chocolate,and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.Sadie's legs and arms wrapped around  Kirstie's waistband neck snuggly.

"They're both so beautiful",he thinks to himself.

He was always astonished by their beauty.

"Fastew!Fastew!"She giggled,throwing her head back.

Matt chuckled at the fact that Sadie couldn't pronounce her R's.

Kirstie sped up,swinging her around and around.Suddenly, Kirstie lost her balance and they tumbled down upon a pile of leaves their eldest son just finished raking.Matt chuckles quietly to himself as the girls start to rustle around in the dried up leaves.

"Mom!Sadie!"Spencer yells,throwing down his rake on the ground and stomping over to them;completely forgetting about his new pile.

"Oh come on Spencer.Just relax a little,"Kirstie laughs.

"Come pway Spency!"the little one chants,rolling around in the leaves.

Spencer's face immediately calms down and a smile grows on his face.

"Aw Sadie,you're so cute,"he says collecting the leaves and harshly throwing them at the girls.

"Not too hard Spencer!"Matt yells sternly from the patio.

"Oh come on dad,they both deserve it!"Spencer exclaims,continuing to throw leaves.

"Daddy!Hewp!Hewp!Save us!"Sadie screams,trying to block the incoming leaves.

"Yeah daddy!Help!Help!"Kirstie laughs making eye contact with Matt.

Luckily,Matt engaged his 41 year old muscles and charged for the 13 year old;tackling him onto the leaves beside the girls.The 4 burst out in laughs as they rolled around and horse played in the leaves.They chocolate lab couldn't contain his eagerness and joined the four;rolling and running around.

"Mommy?Daddy?"someone asked.

"Over here!"Kirstie exclaims,as the four stand up and wipe the debree off of them.

Their second eldest son,Sawyer, over to the bunch.He was definitely the wild child/trouble maker.He hardly ever gets in trouble but is the most rebellious out of the kid.

"Come on in.The leaves are fine!"Matt exclaims,throwing Sadie in the air.

"You're so weird dad,"A small voice says from a far.

It was their first daughter Sabine.She was their little shybug and is extremely sensitive.

"Oh stop,"Kirstie jokes,walking over to the set of twins.

"Did you do your chores?"Kirstie asked.

"Yes,"both the twins said in unison.

"All of them?"Matt asked,quirking an eyebrow.

"Yes daddy!Sabine even helped me scrub the scum off of the upstairs windows!"Sawyer exclaims looking at his sister proudly.

Sabine looked down at her feet,smiling and feeling accomplished.

"Sawyer,don't let your sister do all of the dirty work,"Matt says getting on to him.

"It's ok,I offered,"Sabine piped in.

"Aw well that was very thoughtful of you to do that,"Kirstie mentally applauds Sabine giving her a hug.

"So when are we going over to uncle Scott and mantie Mitch's?"Sabine asked,crossing her arms over her chest,and quirking a brow.(a/n: if you don't know,Frankie Grande said he was going to be a mantie so man+auntie.I assume you get it now)

"Just like you,"Matt whispers jokingly with a sly grin.

In response,Kirstie just picks some leaves and throws them at Matt's face.

"As soon as Sabine gets a bath.How about all 4 of you guys get washed up and will leave in a little bit?"Kirstie asked.

The twins nodded their heads eagerly and run back into the two story brick house.

"I'll get Sadie ready,"Spencer offers.

"Ok thanks baby,"Kirstie says giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He groans in annoyance and disgust,and Matt just laughs.He takes his little sister,lifts her above his head, and makes airplane noises all the way back to the house.The toddler squeals and laughs,making her parents completely satisfied.

Kirstie sighs tiredly as Matt takes her into his chest.She closes her eyes and inhaled his scent.

"Is that the cologne I got you?"Kirstie asked,not opening her eyes.

"Yes.Of course baby.You know I love it,"Matt said,giving her a peck on the forehead.

Kirstie exhales heavily and looks up at her husband;staring into his cocoa brown eyes.That was one of Kirstie's favorite features.His eyes were always so captivating and made her feel safe.

"I'm going to miss the kids,"she sighs sadly.

"I know,but it will be good just to have some alone time,"Matt says with a seductive undertone.

"Matt,what do you mean?"Kirstie says biting her lip,already knowing the answer.

"Oh baby,we're going on a 5 day Caribbean cruise vacation.Once the ship pulls away from the docks,I'm dragging you straight to our room and I'll show you,"he says,smacking her toned,tight behind.

She giggled like a middle schooler thinking about her crush for her first time and they share a quick yet passionate kiss.

"Perfect,"Kirstie sighs against his sweet,buttery lips.

They released,admiring each other's presence.

"Do you know what's crazy?"Kirstie asked as they went in for another hug.

"What's crazy babe?"

"It's crazy that this is our 16th wedding anniversary and all of this started just because of one night stand,"Kirstie beams with a bright smile lightening up her face.

"I still can't believe you got pregnant,"Matt says astonished,eyeing down her flat stomach.

Kirstie heard the kids giggling from behind Matt.With her husbands arms around her and the sight of her kids walking on to the porch is living proof that their is such thing as perfection.

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