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Kirstie woke up to the sound of the wind rustling the trees.Her room was cold and vacant as usual.However the atmosphere was heavier than normal.How could it be though?It's the happiest time of the year.People singing,content kids receiving new toys to play with,and the family coming together to make new memories.

However,this was a very gloomy Christmas for her.Reason being,it was her first Christmas without her husband.She's never spent holidays alone.Her mother offered to fly her down to spend the holidays at home,but she denied.

Reason being she never gave up hope.
She didn't want to believe her husband wasn't going to be home for Christmas.Now here we are Christmas morning,with no family,no husband and no holiday cheer.

Kirstie sat up in her bed and stretched her arms above her head.She slipped on her glasses that laid on the night stand and threw the covers off of her.She got up and went out to her living room.

The living room was vacant.The Christmas tree had no presents underneath it,no cookies were laid out on a platter for Santa,the stockings were empty,and she had no exciting kids destined to tear open gifts.

She trudged into the kitchen and put on a cup of coffee.She watched the coffee drew and slowly drip into the mug.The sound of the coffee hitting the ceramic cup filled throughout the apartment.As the last drop of the bitter substance fell from the brewer,she carefully grabbed the handle and walked out to living room;taking a seat on the old crumby couch.

It was made out of a brown leather and had numerous amounts tears,cracks and scratches.However,that's all she and her husband could afford at the time.

She sipped the black coffee and cringed a little and the taste.The bitter sensation was a little overbearing but she wanted to quit the creamer.She wanted have a healthier life style.She sets the cup on the table coffee table,and turns on the tv with the remote.

She flipped through the channels,not being intrigued by any of the options that the channels offered.She scrolled for a solid five minutes before selecting a music station.It displayed a warm,open fire place with stocking dangling from the hooks.

Different carols softly chimed through out the house and Kirstie couldn't help but hum along.The melodies were so soothing and relaxed Kirstin from crying her eyes out.
She stood up from the couch and waltzed over to the Christmas tree that stood in the corner of the cheap New York apartment.

Her eyes roamed the branches,admiring the ornaments that held sentimental values.Kirstie reached up and held a very special ornament.Matt gave it to her the Christmas prior.It was a picture of the two on the Maui coast line from their honeymoon.

Matt was twirling her around while Kirstie squealed and laughing him his arms.She'll never forget that trip.They were,and still are,struggling financially and Matt saved all of his savings and surprised them with a trip to Hawaii.It was the best time Kirstie ever had.

Tears filled up to the brim of her eyes as she smiled sadly.She let out a shaky breath as a few tears escaped her tear ducts.She quickly wiped her tears away and walked away from the tree.She took a seat on the couch and suddenly the lights and electronics shut off.The light from outside barely lit up the apartment,considering it was mostly cloudly.

Kirstie groans in frustration and punches the couch throw pillows.She stands up and storms back into the kitchen to grab a flashlight from the drawer.She turned the switch and the light flickered on.She hit it multiple times until the light stopped flickering.

She ran over to the pile of bills that sat on a table and rummaged through them.Once her eyes finally landed on the electricity bill,she read the due date.

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