I Need You Tonight

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(This takes place when they were in high school)

Kirstie was laying in the dark,trying to concentrate on a besides what was happening behind her bedroom door.All the chaos downstairs was sending shivers up her spine.She inhaled slowly trying not to panic,but her anxiety was so bad that it was hard to manage at time like this.

She rolled towards her night stand and yanked her phone off of the chord.She sits up,her body immediately starting to tremble.She frantically finds the contact and starts typing furiously.

Kirstie ❤️:Matt?Are you awake?!?

She sets her phone down and starts to whimper;trying to keep her composure.Instantly,her phone goes off and she immediately picks it up.

Matt🏀: of course not! AP Bio is kicking my ass lol.Why whats up?

Kirstie chuckles at his smart remark and text him back.

Kirstie❤️: I need you Matt!They're fighting again :(

She stared at the three dots we all dreaded.She was on pins and needles waiting for him to finish typing.Her breath was starting to get caught in her throat,and was shaking violently.

Matt🏀:I'm on my way

Kirstie smiles in relief ,and placed her phone down.She tucked her knees into her chest and just sat their.She tried her best not to listen to her parents fight but it was hopeless.Her father always got like this,so she never interfered.Even if she did,her mother would never allow her father to mentally and /or physically abuse Kirstie.That's why ever since she was a little girl that once the alcohol was out,she needed to be isolated.

A sound of glass shattering against a wall snapped Kirstie out of her thoughts.Small, female cries of terror could be heard.She knew the fight was bad.So words were being said and a few swings were thrown,but nothing had ever broke or her mom cried.

Kirstie dashes to her bedroom door and bolted it shut.Kirstie didn't want her dad to barge in and scare her;not that she wasn't already traumatized.She tester her head on the wood door,and squeezed her eyes shut.Sometimes she wished in a blink of an eye it would all just disappear,but she realized at a very young age life doesn't work that way.

A bang echos throughout her bedroom,causing Kirstie to gasp loudly.Her head snapped toward the window,revealing a very worried and concerned Matt.Kirstie trudged over to her window and swings it open.Once Matt got in,Kirstie instantly broke down and embraced Matt.As Kirstie bawls in his polo shirt,Matt sways gently side to side;securely holding her tight.

"Kirst,it's going to be alright.I'm here now,you're safe."Matt whispers into her ears.

"I can't t-take it!I-it's every night!"She cries out.

"Shhhh,I know Kirstie,I know.Its ok,I'm right here."Matt reassured her,running his fingers through her brown locks.

They stayed like this for a while,and Kirstie finally felt safe and warm.Matt always made her feel like that,even since they met in middle school choir.

"Kirst,you know you are always allowed at my house.My parents love you,"Matt reminds her.

"I know.I just don't want to seem like a bother.Plus my dad would absolutely destroy me,"She stutters out.

Kirstie looks into Matt's big brown eyes.They were full of sympathy and trust.Thats what Kirstie absolutely loved.She loved how she could read a story through his eyes without words.It was the most beautiful and fascinating thing Kirstie thought.

"Just remember,I got you."Matt says,wiping away her tears that were mixed with running mascara.

Kirstie nodded rapidly,taking every word every word that rolled off of his tongue.Then it grew silence and pressure rose.Both of the teens hearts started to beat faster than the speed of lightening.They both slowly leaned in and all they could focus on was their eyes and their syncopated breathing.

As their lips almost made contact,something made Kirstie stop.

"Ummm...I think you need to go.We got that stupid AP Bio test tomorrow,"she nervously laughs,as her cheeks turn bright red.

Matt was a little taken back but understood.He nodded his head sadly,and headed towards the window,he climbed out and gave one last glance to Kirstie.They shared a smile and he left.


"God damnit!I knew she didn't have feelings!Im such an idiot."Matt mutters angrily to himself.

He strolled sadly down the sidewalk,kicking a pebble down the block.His hands relaxed in his jacket pockets as he sulked all the way home.He knew he never had a chance with her,but he thought it was worth the shot.

"That's so selfish of me!I can't believe I tried to do that!"he grunts,rubbing his hands with his face.As he admired the beauty of his little community at night,he heard something from behind him.It was someone yelling,but it was to faint to make out the words.

He turns around and sees someone running towards him as fast as they could.He squinted his eyes,trying to focus on the figure.

"Matt!"they yelled.

As they got closer,Matt finally realized that it was Kirstie.

"Kirstie?What are-"

Before he could finish his sentence,her soft lips crashed on to his.Matt froze for a second,but then slowly eased into the kiss.Matt cupped her face as Kirstie cradled the back of his head;pulling him closer into the kiss.It was slow and it sure was passionate.

Matt has always pictured this moment a million times but nothing like this.It was everything he thought it would be times a million.She tasted sweet like honey.The two had to pull away to catch their breath.

As they gasped for air,Kirstie started to giggle.Matt laughed too.

"So,you just couldn't contain yourself huh?"Matt jokes.

Kirstie scoffs and punches him jokingly.

"No...I just regretted not kissing you then,"she giggled as looks down at her feet.

"So...does this mean what I hope it means?"Matt asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes Matt.It does.Starting tomorrow."

"Great,you're officially my girlfriend....starting tomorrow,"Matt announces proudly with the biggest smile on his face.

They shared another kiss,and they decided it was best that they headed their own separate ways.

"So,Ill pick you up at 7?"Matt asked.

"Yup!"Kirstie exclaims,walking backwards staring at each other.

"Alright,see you tomorrow girlfriend,"

"Don't push it Matt,"Kirstie says,and Matt just laughs.

They exchanged goodbyes and Kirstie skips home.Matt would walk to but he could take his eyes off of her.He couldn't believe this day finally came.As soon as she out of his sight,he sighs happily and walks home in the best mood ever.

Sorry this is kind of cliche but oh well

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